Great makeup tutorials by women of color?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
BeautyAllure removed her videos too

I still see them. I wonder if you went to YouTube when it was under site maintainence and that's why you couldn't view them.

From Nicky B:

BeautyAllure | April 04, 2008
Hey lovelies!

It's so early in the morning but I'm up because I am so sick ... still with the flu. Ugh, it sucks.

I just want to let everyone know that I DID NOT delete my videos. I wasn't even on the computer that much yesterday, only to answer a few emails but I wasn't on YT ... So I am not really sure how my videos disappeared. YT is weird like that.

I am still around and I promise to have more videos up once I start to feel better. :]

Byyyyyyeee! <333


Well-known member
thank you!

Yes i can see them now
I was sad first because i love her tutorials, she is amazing!

Now i wish POWPOW would come back


Well-known member
I love watching Fauryn and Lilchocolatema's tutorials. I was never aware that there were so many others out there as well. I'm gonna start watching them today!!!!! You guys are GGRREEAAATTT!!!


New member
Originally Posted by nunu
BeautyAllure removed her videos too

What does that mean for her current subscribers? Should I go on there and "unsubscribe"?


Well-known member
I tell u, everyone is watching the same beauty channels I love it! It's funny how as big as the world is we all r just 6 degrees of separation, if that. I love Fauryn,Shawnta,Beautyallure( my local gal), Chelci.Slvrlips, and Koren! Koren is Awesome! He's like the Makeup Martha Stewart. Utube+ Spektra= Fab Faces ;D
i know folks have said it before but i love fauryn78's videos. she always manages to make everything look so sophisticated and very wearable, no matter how bright the color. and queenofblendingMUA's videos are like watching art. so beautiful!


New member
what happened to beautyallure's videos? i clicked on her name and it said that her account was canceled


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Boelvira
what happened to beautyallure's videos? i clicked on her name and it said that her account was canceled

Unfotunately she closed her account

I don't blame her because a person can only take a certain amount of negative comments and racism. Hopefully she returns back when she feels ready.

I really miss her and her informative videos! <3

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
^ I was so fuckin sad when I heard the news. She reminds me alot of myself, and I also closed my YouTube account a month ago...altho I wasn't even doing makeup tutorials, I was doing fashion related stuff and people are just so idiotic I didn't have the time to delete/approve/check comments. I don't really blame her, she's moving, she needs to spend any down time with her bf, family, and relax, not worry about haters. If you're out there Nicky (cause I know you are a Specktra girlie) you are super talented keep doing what you're doing and definitely come back when you're ready.


Well-known member
Nicky is amazing as what she does and she always tried to please her subscribers by doing their requests and i don't understand why people should be f****** nasty!! She's so sweet and was so happy to do these tutorials. I get excited when i see a new tutorial from her. Aww well as the above poster said she is busy with moving and everything but Nicky will be GREATLY missed <33
DRBrooklyn730 is great too, don't know if she is on spektra though.I love Nirenya videos.

I loved BeautyAllure!Dang, some of them were really rude.


Well-known member
In response to BeautyAllure closing her channel:
I could imagine that part of it was the pressure to keep updating. I'd go on her channel and see comments like: you promised you would post more tutorials but you haven't.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the racism came from the fact that she has a white boyfriend and didn't talk/sound like "the stereotypical black girl".
People on Youtube can be so ignoran and it's dissapointing that their bullshit drove her to close her channel. Their comments must've hurt her really badly.


Well-known member
I was a subscriber and was also sad to hear she closed her account.
I learned so much from her tutorials.

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
^^ I seriously wish people would get over that's so sad. So what she had a white boyfriend...I like black guys but I talk 10x preppier than her lmao it's crazy. But the bottom line is that her makeup skills ROCKED and people were hatin'. I just can't see people hatin because of the updates because girls like MonroeMisfits doesn't update as much and I didn't see people harrassin her like they did Nicky.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
In response to BeautyAllure closing her channel:
I could imagine that part of it was the pressure to keep updating. I'd go on her channel and see comments like: you promised you would post more tutorials but you haven't.

Actually, it wasn't, chocolategoddes.

I am a full time college student with a job and extracurricular activities (even during my vacations I do volunteer work), so I rarely have the time enough as it is to breath but I still made an effort to put out videos and though I didn't have 30 something like others, I made sure I put time and effort into them in making them right. When I did rush to put up a tutorial, I would constantly get comments like something was bad about it but the tutorials I didn't rush, those type of comments were rare. I was busting my ass in my classes because I am trying to get into graduate school when I finish undergrad, so I'm sorry if making YT videos was not on my top priority list (this isn't directed towards you, just in general). By the end of it all, I was just so burnt out, it was unbelievable -- I didn't feel like doing anything, yet alone put on makeup. It was all worth in the end because I made Dean's List and I am proud I plowed through it all, even with the negativity.

Besides, the people that would write comments like that were the main reasons why I did update videos and I would personally email them and let them know as to why I haven't done a video in awhile. Even so, I still kept up to date with answering a ton of emails pretty much every day. So really, people need to sit down and think how much work goes into creating tutorials on the internet. . .on top of your offline life.

I still don't understand why I got so much flack because of it since there are others out on YT that didn't update frequently (like myself) but didn't seem to get such a negative backlash from it.
But it really wasn't my reason for leaving because I knew that though people seemed upset about my absences, I still responded to every single email and it wasn't like I completely fell off the face of the earth and I ignored people. I just cannot be one of those individuals that do more than one tutorial in a day.

And just to clear things up: one of the main reasons (besides the racism and just downright nasty comments/messages) I really left was because of the negativity between those in the WoC YT makeup community (all the competitiveness and cattiness was really ridiculous . . . especially since most of the women are grown individuals, so I never will understand why people felt the need to self validate themselves with the highest amount of subscribers you had). I mean it was like cutthroat seriously. It really was shocking and I just didn't want to do it anymore. It was like it was a race of who could become YT partner first blah blah, who could reach 2000+ subscribers first blah blah blah. I am not on the internet to participate in a popularity contest of any sorts.

The comments regarding my personal life really didn't hurt me that badly because the comments I read were nothing new to what I experience on a somewhat daily basis, I've grown a tough shell for it, to be honest. What bothered me is when people started taking my YT videos a little too far and it got weird. I only have one word to write about that without going too in depth: stalkers. That's it. i love my life way too much and when I feel like my personal safety has been threatened, it's time to leave and I did. YT videos were not my career and I would never use them as such. They were meant to be fun and informative but like I said before, the fun was taken out of it by some ruthless individuals. Ah well, I believe in karma and all but I really hope they never have to go through what they put me, and others I knew very well on YT, through.

In spite of all this, I thank you all so much for the supportive comments. :] This is why I love Specktra and will probably never leave this beauty forum. You ladies are so awesome and are truly some great motivating factors for me in possibly doing it again.


Well-known member
awwh, i'm sorry you had to go hun. i loved you and your vids a lot. i had no idea any of this was going on [guess i should have paid more attention to the comments]. i agree with your stance on everything. your real life is more important than youtube and negative comments about your personal life should be ignored.

@ stalkers, that is absolutely insane. you did the right thing by removing yourself from youtube. your personal safely and sense of security should always be foremost. i hope that any problems you have relating to that stop.


Active member
Congrats on making the Dean's Honour List!! That is a huge accomplishment, and while I will miss your tutorials I hope you find time to post your helpful tips on here once in a while when life isn't too crazy.

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