Great opportunity for me!


Well-known member
So, after my job interview story of last week, here's a new one!

I got offered yesterday by the MA at Make Up For Ever to become her assistant. She needs somebody to help her during some events during the year, mostly on week ends. She wants to teach me everything...!

I'm a make up lover, but I never been sure about me taking classes (its expensive and full time so I cannot do that because I need money to pay my rent) but now I have this opportunity to learn the rules of make up, for free and also getting paid great money.

This girl is super cool.
I love her work, she showed me some pictures of the last event they did, they were offering to customers who bought products to do makeovers and photo shoots. She told me : ''You CAN do that good, I know you can''. I've bought so many products at this counter that they know me very well

I'm very happy about it.
You know, sometimes somebody up there thinks its your turn to have your chance, I say to you : take it, no matter what! Tomorow's my first day, she'll pay me with products.... WOOOT WOOOT!!! lolll

This kind of opportunity happened to you?


Well-known member
Wow what a dream come true, not to mention a very rare oppertunity - I don't think a lot of MA's would be keen to impart all of their knowledge and free of charge!

Good on you


Well-known member
She just called, its delayed to 11 am this morning. (was supposed to be at 10). Leaves me time to perfect my look!

She said she want to teach a new one because the professionnals she used to work with tried to steal ( ? ) her contacts, many times. She's tired to work with those girls. I totally understand that.

Cant wait!
But the new shoes I bought at payless are hurting my feet and I didnt even had them for an hour (other shoes of mine gave me blisters on thursday), so I'll wear old shoes to go there and switch once arrived.

Thanks to you


Well-known member
It was my first day, great people.

Some girls came over and stole a black khol

I think security got them before they got out

Anyway, the first lady was a bride, she was wonderful!
After that, a lady who has a dance show tonight, she was a little bit grumpy, didnt understand that the MUA had to serve people too during the makeover (I couldnt help everyone...), a lady who's birthday was today I think, she looked really good, and at last we did a prom makeup on a cute asian teenager, she was really pretty and shy because she's not used to makeup.

The MUA asked me if I could go with her at the beginning of june, in Toronto at a bride show. She'll teach me till then. I got 7 products for free. 3 star powders, 1 eye shaddow, 2 pencils, and one super brush. Cant wait to receive it!

Let me tell you that I have a LOT of respect for all of the ladies (and gentlemens too!) who works all day without sitting. Wow!

Thanks for reading.
Since the only person I could tell is my bf, and he's not here yet, I had to talk about it


Well-known member
Sounds like you had fun! I can't wait to do bridal and prom makeup too! Where I work we don't really have the chance to do makeovers on people that often because we're so busy, so I usually am soo excited when I actually get to do it.

Keep us posted!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holly
Sounds like you had fun! I can't wait to do bridal and prom makeup too! Where I work we don't really have the chance to do makeovers on people that often because we're so busy, so I usually am soo excited when I actually get to do it.

Keep us posted!

Is there a Make Up For Ever out there in Edmonton?
The MUA is going to Saskatoon next week.
She's traveling all aroung canada. I wish I could, I deadly wanna see the rockies!


Well-known member
Yup! We have Make up forever at Sears.. no free stand store or anything, but I loooove going to their counter