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green tutorial for the asian girls (and everyone else)


Well-known member
I appreciate this soooo much too. I am russian/polish...very siberian(a very asian eye shape) and I definately benefit most from tips and tricks on eyes from asian girls! thanks a bunch.


Well-known member
I loved that, what a great look! You looked so nice in every picture too, like every step of the way looked great, except for the 2nd picture, but even that was cute


Thank you so much! I used to think that green does not look that good on Asian skins, but you've done a great job!!


Active member
Originally Posted by professionaltart

When some asian girls (sorry I hate the word "oriental", it sounds so outdated. orientals are rugs not people)

at that

lovely tut!


Well-known member
Great tutorial, thank you! When did the pink short handle brushes come out and with what collection? I know there were a few with the Diana icon collection but I don't remember there being a 224 short handle? I would love to get my hands on one of those!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chloe2277
Great tutorial, thank you! When did the pink short handle brushes come out and with what collection? I know there were a few with the Diana icon collection but I don't remember there being a 224 short handle? I would love to get my hands on one of those!

it was part of the MAC Printout collection that was a Nordstrom exclusive duringg.....hmmm... Summer 2003?


Well-known member
Great Job!a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny suggestion..maybe u can apply some eyeshadow on lower eye lid and wear fake eyelashes~ then ur eyes will become much LARGER =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by snowkei
Great Job!a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny suggestion..maybe u can apply some eyeshadow on lower eye lid and wear fake eyelashes~ then ur eyes will become much LARGER =)

yeah i dont know if i had said earlier i wasnt going out or anything i was just doing it to do (thats why i was wearing my basketball shirt)

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