Greetings from Denmark


New member
Hi, I'm am a MAC addict and have been for years
One of my mother's colleagues, a beauty editor - wonderful, fabulous lady, got me hooked by giving me my first MAC eyeshadows. Electric eel, sushi flower, sprout and mulch I think they were. To this day, makeup often takes priority over groceries
I really enjoy perusing the forum. You're all such enablers

I probably won't be posting much, but I'm sure I'll enjoy being here a lot.

I should make a proper post about this, but now that you're reading anyway - somebody might have the answer. The wonderful lady mentioned above also gave me MAC makeup this Christmas. One of the items is an Odyssey lipstick, but the case is silver (oldstyle packaging, batch#9A211) and I'm wondering why. If it's from a collection I'd love to know which - I haven't been able to find anything on the subject. TIA


Well-known member
Thanks for introducing yourself Circley! I hope you will find topics to post in, lurking can become a bad habit. ^_^ Welcome to Specktra!


Active member
Hi Circley! I studied abroad in Denmark and lived there for 5 months - I really miss it to this day, except for the gray days of winter! Although good beer made up for that, mostly.

Where are you from? I lived outside of Copenhagen (Charlotteslund and then Albertslund) and my favorite place in the world is Skagen...

Welcome!! =)


New member
Thank you, Janice and Als.

And Als, yes, beers are indeed a good thing in Denmark, now they are stealing market shares from wine over here.
I live in Hellerup, not too far from Charlottenlund, but quite close to the city. Never been to Skagen, though


Well-known member
Welcome! Glad to have you here.

MAC did make lipsticks and lipliners with silver instead of black for a period around 1997/8 or so. It wasn't a collection, if I recall correctly, it was just a brief change in packaging. Odyssey is a lovely colour. Hope that helps.


Well-known member
Welcome! I used to live in Denmark.. in Copenhagen to be precise. My favourite place in the world!