So many! Nars has a some lovely purples including the Jolie Poupee and Demon Lover duos (both cooler/ bluer purples). Guerlain Les Violets is beautiful and if you can get your hands on it, the Attrape-Coeur palette from the Spring is one of my favourites.
Ooh! I like the little "dot" detail on the packaging... And weren't we just talking about how nice the "Serie Noire" packaging looked on the Rouge G lipsticks?
Chic Profile posted the following on the collection. Mostly stuff we knew already (we're so well-informed), but she does have a description of the bronzer that sounds, well... pretty crazy:
So I wonder if the "bronzer" is actually the same as the voyage powder, but in a cheaper compact, so it will cost less? Cause it certainly looks like the voyage powders, but if it's called Terracotta bronzer, then it shouldn't cost too much.
Her description is actually for the powder we've seen already, which I thought was a voyage powder, but might just be aa cheaper version in a cheaper compact.
I think the bronzer is the pressed powder we see at th top corner of the pic. It matches the colour description on chicprofile. So excited to see the rouge g!I don't think this has been posted, but on her Instagram BritishBeautyBlogger posted a picture of the "neon dot lipstick", which is a rouge G in black packaging (yay!) and which clasp is neon pink.Source:
So excited to see the rouge g!
Me too! I would never wear it or very sheerly, lol. But I kind of want it.So excited to see the rouge g!
Me too! Hope it's the same colour as the clasp!
I don't know, Miss QQ, chic profile tends to get a LOT wrong in the scheme of things. It's certainly possible that the bronzer is the pressed power, but I doubt it.So excited to see the rouge g!
I'll pass, again la Petite Robe Noire well it's not very classy in my opinion ( the whole collection I mean ), girly and very oh-so-trendy ( Paris ) and that's it !So excited to see the rouge g!
I hope so! It looks nice in the pics so I'd definitely pick it up if the price is cheaper.So I wonder if the "bronzer" is actually the same as the voyage powder, but in a cheaper compact, so it will cost less? Cause it certainly looks like the voyage powders, but if it's called Terracotta bronzer, then it shouldn't cost too much.
Her description is actually for the powder we've seen already, which I thought was a voyage powder, but might just be aa cheaper version in a cheaper compact.
Oh, I have my eyes on the polishes! Other than that the collection will be a skip for me, like it usually is with Guerlain. I don't know why... the brand as a whole really appeals to me, I love the packaging, but I rarely end up buying anything. I'd like to get the fall collection blush, but I can't drop that kind of money right now.I have used it and liked it, but it's very very expensive and I honestly can't say whether it does exactly what it says on the tin. It is very luxurious and feels lovely, but I think it's horribly overpriced for what it is. But then some people swear by Creme de la Mer and obviously they sell plenty enough to stay in business....
I have a couple sample tubes of the eye cream & LOVE love it. I wish I didn't because of the price. Its the only thing that I've tried.Do any of you use the orchid skincare line? Is it worth the $$