Guitar Hero anyone?


Well-known member
I'm seriously having a hard time finding a woman my age (or any woman at that) who enjoys playing Guitar Hero as much as I do. I've got 2 friends who are into it, but not as much as I am.

I'm not crazy, I just like to rock!!! Who's with me?!


Well-known member
I am! except I can't play when my boyfriend is around because he beats all the songs on expert and I'm only on medium/hard so I get embarrassed


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My bf and I had really fun moments bonding over this! He's really good at it, while I suck (reflexes are shot from playing turn-based RPGs LOL) and I freak out when I start ruining our game score with my bad skillz.


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See, my boyfriend is such a videogame addict and he will NOT play with me. I've only started playing like 3 months ago and I've gotten really good, I play on Hard mostly and I can finish a few songs on Expert. It's just fun! It makes you feel like you're playing the guitar, which I could never do lol and all the music is great.

I kinda want Rock Band for my birthday but I'd be too humiliated to have that whole setup in my house lol


Well-known member
Me and my sister are addicted to Guitar Hero! We LOVE it! When GH3 came out we got it at midnight and stayed up till 7am till we beat it. We're that nuts about it! lol Rock Band is fun, but if you don't have people to play with it kind of looses its charm. The drums rock!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mariecinder
Me and my sister are addicted to Guitar Hero! We LOVE it! When GH3 came out we got it at midnight and stayed up till 7am till we beat it. We're that nuts about it! lol Rock Band is fun, but if you don't have people to play with it kind of looses its charm. The drums rock!

That's what I heard. I wouldn't wanna play Rock Band alone, you're supposed to get people together and mimick a band!


Well-known member
I love guitar hero... I bought it for my fiance for christmas with his wii... But I secretly bought it for myself. I would stay up til like two in the morning trying to beat it. It's addicting!!!

I played Rockband, it's lots of fun... But only if you have a bunch of friends together... Otherwise it's just like guitar hero but you have a choice of playing other instruments.


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my friend and i are actually taking turns/playing against eachouther right now

im taking a break for a bit


Well-known member
I was all about Guitar Hero, till I played the drums in Rock Band.


But, my mother is actually all about Guitar Hero. My ex got it for her for her 53 birthday. She plays it all the time.


Well-known member
I'm almost 24 & I loooove Rock Band! In fact, my boyfriend & all my friends get together almost every Sunday & play for HOURS, changing instruments... haha. We call each other & say, "What time is band practice?!" Its so much fun!
I live in residence at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, but my parents house is about a 20 minute drive away... The week after I moved out, my dad moved his office into my bedroom, and his office became a dining room... so now if I go back to do laundry or whatever, I stay in the guest room, which has a tv and a Wii in it! So I pretty much play guitar hero ALL THE TIME!!! I'm on the "hard" level, and I have to say, i'm not too shabby at it! But I totally agree that it's hard to find girls who enjoy playing GH, let alone ANY video games!


Well-known member
I got a Wii for christmas too, I'm like a tennis pro.

But if I got on a real tennis court I'd be running for my life.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ArsenicKiss
I was all about Guitar Hero, till I played the drums in Rock Band.


Hahaha me tooo!!!

My brother has gh3 and rockband in Canada on 360.. I only have a wii here with gh3. My boyfriend said that if they start making 360s with bluray, we will get one. You better believe I will be buying rockband asap!
I'm obsessed, too, so don't worry about it.


Well-known member
It is indeed fun but I don't have the tools to become an addict lol. My boyfriend's brother has an Xbox 360 and he just got the Rockband game (close enough) which is ridiculously fun. My bf and I made a band and I'm the singer, he's the guitarist. The guitar and drums are pretty fun too but the drums are hard. I could see myself getting addicted easily lol.


Well-known member
OMG how are you girls able to do hard/expert.
I've had GH3 since Christmas and I'm still on EASY. I suck ass! LOL


Well-known member
This thread is so funny. I just played GH for the first time at my sisters house 3 nights ago and I am completely addicted. It is SO fun!!! I plan on buying a playstation 3 and GH in the next couple of weeks so that I can have it at my house to play when I want to. I knew realize what all the hype about the game was until I actually played. Now I fully understand!!