However, if guns were removed-stabbing would get a mention. As would hanging onself, jumping off of a building, car wrecks etc.
What many people do not realize is that a gun is nothing more than a tool.
It is nothing more than a knife, a pair of scissors, a pen. If you know how to use it properly then it can indeed be very helpful. I have guns, I go to a shooting range every now and then and I enjoy it. However, I also know how to use it and the proper way to handle it.
It's called
Personal responsibility.
The problem that lies within many peoples opinions of how bad guns are etc is that they fail to take into the account of personal responsibility. The government-any government should not be allowed to tell you if you can or cannot own a gun. They should not be allowed to put regulations on gun control etc.
The person who is holding the gun is the one that is taking responsibility. Not the gun itself.
Think of it this way. A gun is an inanimate object. It cannot think, it cannot move it cannot do anything except sit there. It cannot say one day-oh i think I'm going to just randomly go off and see if the bullet inside of me will hit someone or not.
Guns-the actual object cannot do that. What can? Who can? Man. Man is the only one who can sit and rationalize. It's not the guns fault some guy decided he wanted to shoot people. It's the guy's fault.
Also everyone is quick to say guns cause accidental deaths! Again it's not the gun its the improper handling of the gun. I tell the folks on here I have a knife, I carry it around with me, I know how to use it if need be. However someone who doesn't know how to use it chances are it will get turned on them and they can get hurt if in a struggle.
Accidents happen every day of our natural lives. You get in car accidents, you get in poison control accidents, heck you even can get into an accident by tripping over your dishwasher drawer and landing on a knife pointed up.
The moment the government decided to say-ok guns are outlawed in America, I will guarentee the same amount of deaths will occur because #1 of the black market and #2, again its the thought process of the crazy guy who likes to kill people. He doesn't have a gun ok what else can he use?
You gave two good websites and I applaud you for actually giving websites (SEE PEOPLE-when I hammer in to do your own research?!-LOL) ! I am very THRILLED you did actually it shows you did your homework
I'm a huge fan of the CDC so I'm not going to sit here and argue with that. I agree that guns should NEVER EVER EVER be used unless you know how to handle them. But the moment our government goes and takes away the guns-it will begin the decline of the American freedom that the Americans hold so dear.
And one website you stated in Austrialia-I realize you were making a comparison but we also got to realize that in Austrailia there are a lot fewer people there than in the US which will skew the numbers drastically but also it's hard for either one of us to understand where the other stands.
Obviously case in point: I'm from the South Eastern U.S. We use guns. We know how to use them. We go hunting. We can defend ourselves. We use it for how it is intended to be. We sleep with guns by our bed in case we get broken into.
You are from Austrailia where I have never been. I have no idea what conditions are like in your country, I have no idea your daily life. I have no idea your culture except what I've read in books or from what other people have told me.
So even though you gave me the comparison (and again you did great by giving me resources!) We're looking at 2 very seperate countries with different population and different cultures.
AND believe it or not there are very different cultures here in the US. Many will agree with you where as many will agree with me. Again it's the different cultures. I'm from the South we live like this. Many in the west live like this. New York, California probably not so much esp. in the Major cities where you're right they have no use for guns unless it is a hobby to collect and they go hunting every now and then.
It's a catch 22 situation.