Guys have it good. [Pregnancy sickness]


Well-known member
Everything makes me nauseous, i can't eat, and if someone just thinks about eating near me i have to throw up some where because i cant stand the smell of food right now. I feel like i havent eaten in 5 years, i cant even drink water without it coming back up. And this is only the beginning.. ah constipation here i come.

Man i really hate guys at the moment. Lets see them give birth out of their peepee hole
. I mean i love the end result but i feel like this is never ever going to end, i remember my first pregnancy felt like 10 years. I swear im allergic to fetus. Imagine women 500 years ago, no epidural, no doctor, no crackers or gingerale, no numbing cream, no nothing... and to think some places are still like that

I think im going to tie my tubes after my twins are born. I'm going to be 23 years old with 3 kids, my doctor suggests i don't because of my age and maybe 10 years a long the line i may want 2 more. But if he doesnt give it to me im going to choke him! I dont think i can handle another pregnancy.



Well-known member
I'm sorry you're so sick!
I know when I get pregnant I'll be the opposite, eating everything in sight and gaining 100 lbs, I'm sure.

Hope that baby starts letting you eat soon!


Well-known member
I hear you girl ... I lost 17 pounds in the first four months of my second pregnancy because I couldn't keep anything down. The doctors threatened to admit me because I was already high risk. Luckily, the morning sickness eventually subsided and I am sure yours will too.

That said ... my advice would be not to get your tubes tied. I did it at 23 for a few reasons. First and foremost I have a few heart conditions and my cardiologist insisted that I not risk putting my body through having another baby. I also did it because my SO had five kids including my two and the man did NOT need anymore.

That said though ... now I really wish I hadn't done it. It sucks being 25 and knowing that most other women my age can have babies and I can't. It also made my cramps, cysts, etc MUCH worse than before. Don't get me wrong I know that I am damn lucky to have the two beautiful babies that I have ... but in spite of the risks I still wish I could have more.

Good luck ... and try peppermints ... sometimes they helped me and other times the didn't. If anything get an Rx for Zofran and take it! That stuff is GREAT and unlike Phenergan won't make you feel like a zombie.


Well-known member
I never ever threw up ....I guess I was lucky...No morning sickness..although I was turned on by stinky food, how weird.....Flowers made me want to puke ...I was bedridden starting at 5 months but it was because of back problems....I just laid up in bed and ate and ate!! So pitiful I was...However I am bigger now than I was when I was 9 months pregnant...WTF...I gain 17 lbs total and ate like a pig...Now I barely eat and gain tons


Well-known member
Ah sorry to hear about that. I know how that is. It should get better during the second trimester. Try eating some saltine crackers when you wake up and don't get up too fast. That usually helps.
I hope you get well soon!


Well-known member
My friend's dad got the morning sickness and weird cravings when her mom was pregnant with her. We always teased him about it.


Well-known member
aww i sooo feeel your pain. you have even higher of the pregnancy hormone carrying twins, i lost 20lbs first trimester and was miserable..dr put me on meds that were a lifesaver, im 6mths now and still get sick twice daily..sigh March cant get here quick enough lol,,hope u feel better


Well-known member
My aunt had hyperemesis gravidarium (medicalese for crazy morning sickness). She lost 17 lbs with the first pregnancy, and 37 lbs with the second. Also with the second she didn't eat solid food for the last three or four months, she had a shunt that went into her stomach that she had to put some gross liquid food into, and another pump in her arm that was pumping anti-nausea medication into her aorta. It was nasty stuff. But I have two gorgeous red headed cousins now, so I guess it all worked out in the end.

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