Well-known member
Truth!Well, I don't own any myself. I've swatched them several times to see if I could somehow make them work. They always looked ashy on me and the new bronzers they came out with didn't show up on my skin at all. I've seen here and there that girls darker than me really like them, but I am truly perplexed. If you already had it and returned it, then maybe try something else- or get a makeover in Sephora and ask them to use it? I think VIB's get free makeovers, if I'm not mistaken (since you are on Specktra, I'm assuming you have purchased enough makeup to be a VIB or Rouge, lol). I was looking for a powder that would illuminate my skin, without it being a highlighter- sort of like an all over the face product to make my skin glow. I tried the MSF but that wasn't really what I was looking for, but the darkest color is a great bronzer for me. The closest thing I found is the Sublime powder from Black Up. I think it said I'm supposed to be a #3. Well, one is a light gold, the other is a bronze and there is one that is coppery or rose gold. They look really pretty and I saw someone on Youtube actually use them and that convinced me to go ahead and get one, which I plan to do. Hourglass is a great brand, but I don't find their powders suitable for my skin tone.