Had my MRI yesterday


Well-known member
I'm so sorry you're going thru this! It sounds so very frustrating.

This may sound extreme to you, but maybe you should give cutting out processed foods a try. Many people (up to 25% of the population) has a sensitivity to the free glutamic acid in processed foods and they don't even realize it.

If you've tried everything else, its worth a shot,right? There's more information on truthinlabeling.org if you'd like to do some research (or you can just wiki glutamic acid or MSG on wiki). Its mind just blow your mind.

Keep us posted on your progess, you are not alone! *hugs*


New member
i know this may sound really weird, but try getting a chinese massage to relieve the strain on your shoulders. my friend used to have horrible migranes, vomitting and all those bad things, and her gp advised her to get a massage on her shoulders. founds out that she had way to much tension and now she hardly gets migraines.


Well-known member
The fact that your MRI came back clean should warrant further testing, not giving up by the medical team. Have you had bloodwork done? EEG? Lumbar puncture? Have there been consults to rheumatology?

MRIs do not show everything. Did you have contrast injected for your MRI? If not you may need a contrast MRI so abnormalities in blood vessels and blood flow can be visualized. Or an MRA (angiogram) or CT angio.

I would continue to record all your symptoms when they happen so the team can discern any patterns that might indicate a specific disease process.

If you experience any sudden increase in severety of headache/deficits/symptoms you should be examined immediately.

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