Hair colour for dark skinned girls


Well-known member
If you can find a wig shop in your town, go and try a couple of wigs or snap in extentions on and take a picture of yourself. That way you can find a color that looks good on you before you dye it. Use the pictures to take to the salon to show the stylist the exact color you're looking for so you'll get exactly what you want. HTH!


Well-known member
i agree with starr1..i wish i would have done that before i colored my hair...i colored my hair a few years ago to be this golden color, but it turned out blonde!..i got complinents but it was waaay to bright for me..some black folk can pull it off and own it but i couldnt take it..i died it back dark brown after 6 months (im surprised i kept it that long)..but im actually opposite, im thinking about dying my hair jet looks so healthy and every now and then i wear weave and i think with jet black hair i can find weave so much better

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