Hair colour help!


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i'm gonna be completely honest here..... you will never know whether you will like it/it suits you until it happens.

you really can't judge from those pictures at all because there are all sorts of shades of browns to choose from so you don't know whether the one's in the pictures will suit you at all. i've done it myself, this time last year i was as blonde as can be (proper white/platinum blonde) then i went dark because i got bored/fed up with roots.... but, its different for me because i work in a hairdressers and if i hate it haha i'll tell them i don't like it and they can fix it and if my hair fucks up from putting bleach/platinium/hi lift on it it doesn't matter kinda thing.

when i went dark i had a 'fuck it' attitude so i really think if you are umm'ing and ahh'ing about it then you shouldn't do it, because i was like that for a couple of months before i went dark saying 'i'm bored of my hair' and i can tell if i HAD gone dark when i was considering it then i would have been real upset.

now... its weird, because, even when i see pictures of myself blonde, i can't imagine being blonde again, if that makes sense? i am considering going blonde again haha.

as for the cut, thats entirely your choice, and like others have said, don't go crazy and get it all cut off, because even though there is extensions etc, it isn't the same, and you must be 100% sure.

basically my advice is, go to your salon, have a consultation, sit down with your stylist and ask their advice. i'd probably say go for a few dark ones, not too dark, just to break the blonde up and see how you feel about it. try and go for a salon that uses l'oreal colour, because they will more than likely use diacolour which is in between a permanent and a semi permanent, i.e, instead of it growing out and getting roots, it will fade out to your natural colour, and its conditioning, and smells good :p

just remember, if you go dark all over, be prepared for it to fade within a couple of weeks!

what a long post!


Well-known member
I like #1 and #5. I think #1 would be perfect if you wanted to go the full way and become a brunette, it's looks like a really natural, pretty colour and I could see that it would suit you. I guess you could try a semi permenant first if it's possible, I would definitely go to a salon though and take a professionals advice.

I'd say if you're not totally sure though try #5 and just go with some darker lowlights to darken up your hair a bit and add a different dimension, that way if you really don't like it and decide you'd rather go back to blonde, it would be an easy transition.

I really do think your long blonde hair looks fantastic though, so regardless of whether you change it or not you'll still look fab. I highlight my hair too and I can see how you eventually think it's a pain and get bored of the same colour going on every couple of months.


Well-known member
I say go for it but maybe that's because I did nearly the same thing (though I was never that light of a blonde to start out). I'm a natural blonde and I went brunette last fall and loved it. It really brought out my blue eyes.

I like #4 for you. Good thing is it's only hair and you can change it back

I decided that I wanted to be lighter for summer so I just stopped dying and got some blonde highlights for summer.


Well-known member
I like #1 the best interms of color and style. I say go for it, just make sure you have manyyyyy true to life pictures of your current hair color, and if you aren't happy you can go to a pro and have then match it perfectly back to natural.


Well-known member
I also like #1 the best but I would suggest that you go darker slowly over a few months. This way you don't go into shock from the color change, and if you decide that you don't like it your stylist will not have to lift too many layers of color from your hair.


Well-known member
i think i'm going to start doing blonde in the summer and brunette in the winter, like you said. it's always seemed to me like a fabulous idea because when you start getting tired of one, it'll be time to switch to the other.

for now though, i really think that the colour of number four would really look good on you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anjelik_dreamin
I would keep your hair as is, it suits you like crazy and natural pretty blonde hair is gorgeous and stands out.


But if its gonna happen, def go with the first one!


Well-known member
I say go for it! You only live once. And it will fade eventually and you can go back to blonde if you don't like it. I've had everything from blonde, red, black, blue, green hair (lol) and my hair is back to its natural brown now. I don't regret colouring my hair before though, it was fun to try out different looks.


Well-known member
not yet lol i think i might stay blonde for now... i might go a light brown in the winter not so sure yet

i keep seeing blonde haired girls and their hair looks so hot! but when i see brunettes with their shiny silky hair i just wish mine was brown but i haven't got a clue lol


Well-known member
^haha i do that too! When I see brown hair highlighted im like omg i have to have it so I did and now im really missing my dark dark hair!


Well-known member
Blonde looks better on you. I would say that don't change to brunette, blonde is much more better. But maybe blonde with warm brown highlights? There would be a bit of both.
first of all i also think that you shouldn't chop your hair - i did it once and regretted it for such a long time. i tink that long hair looks more beautiful and you can do much more with it and i also think that boys/men like it more too. short hair looks IMO very boyish. it is very difficult to decide which haircolor you should go for because both suit you very well, but i would color it brown because i think it looks better to your skin tone.


Well-known member
oh beleive me i wouldnt want to chop my hair! lol i just liked the colour on that particular style


Well-known member
I have very dark brown hair like a dark chcolate colour and I'd love hair your colour! I've always wanted blonde hair but I think I would have to bleach to get it blonde and I don't want to do that to my hair.

Like others have siggested if you do want to go brunette do it one shade at a time then it's easily changed it if you don't like it.

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