Half a fotd...lol


Well-known member
I don't know where to put this..so i shall put it here...this is a fotd of some sort as i only show half the face and 1 eye...forgive me for the lousy blendin skills. I'm still learning


Colors used:
Jete e/s (inner lid)
Passionate e/s (centre lid)
Contrast e/s (outer lid)
Embark ppt eyeliner


I finally solved the problem of glissade of not appearing on me by using lune blushcreme as a base.

now i think i like glissade....lol.


Well-known member
i couldn't get it to show on my face when i used it alone (all glitters no color).... today i tried with lune blushcreme (a beige colored blushcreme) as a base then the color showed up.


Well-known member
lune sounds good! its not LE, i hope. you got me curious now. thanks for answering my question.


Well-known member
Unfortunately Lune is LE from the Lure collection. But i believe u can use one of MAC's cream color base (i feel pearl would make a good base for glissade) as a substitute for Lune.

But as Lune isn't popular, i believe u can still get it from some CCOs if u are living near one.