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HALLOWEEN TUT - The dead look + ice queen


Well-known member
I were asked to do a tutorial about doing a dead looking face make up, just a standard face, which I think is a great idea! A basic dead face is such a halloween standard which almost every look builds on. So, I'm going to show you how I bring the non-living look out without zombifying it. I made a complete look out of this tutorial, that shows you how you can make this dead look a frozen corpse or an ice princess!


1. Conceal your face wherever needed.


2. Mix your regular liquid foundation, white face
paint and a gray eyeshadow...


3. ..to get a grayish shade like this one.


4. Apply this all over your face and lips. Also do your
ears, neck and chest if that will be showing in your outfit.


5. Start off with a matte light purple, put it under
your eyes and in towards the nose to deepen your
dark circles. Here I used Eminence from MAD Minerals


6. Now pick a darker, more red toned purple up,
concentrate it underneath the tearduct. I used
Violet also from MAD Minerals.


7. Now pick upEminence again and contour your
nose with it. make a blended line on both sides
of your nose to define it.


8. Also use Eminence on your lips. Outline them
and fill the outer corners in to deepen them.


9. Now pick the darker Violet up again and do a
dramatic line under your cheekbone. Suck your
cheeks in and do a fish face to find out where
this shadow should be put.


10. Put the same shadow in the soft part of the temple.


11. Also put it along the hairline on your
forehead, mostly on the outer corners.


Here I would call the standard dead look done. From this you can do almost anything, with just a few colour changes depending on what you're going to do, of course. A zombie, vampire, werewolf, ghost, corpse bride, a victim of abuse... This would even look good with a regular smokey eye, brows as desired and some lipgloss. That would be a great dead look without doing anything over the top.
Or why not do a ice princess/frozen corpse?

12. Fill your brows in quite heavy.


13. Use a white mascara or mascara primer on top
to make the brows look frozen.


14. Put a white shimmery eyshadow all around the
eye except underneath the tearduct.


15. Fill your waterline in with a white eye pencil
and use that white mascara/mascara primer again
but on the lashes this time.


16. Apply a clear gloss on the lips and some more
of that shimmery white shadow on the cheekbones. Done!


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