Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince WARNING: MOVIE SPOILERS.


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I saw it tonight! I have mixed feelings.. I think it was very well put together, and a good movie, but it was disappointing because so many things were left out/changed. I did make the mistake of re-reading the 6th book before seeing the movie, that might have been why even the small things bothered me (like Luna finding Harry on the train, not Tonks, etc)

The fire thing at Christmas with Bellatrix.. um.. WTF?! Did they really HAVE to add that? What about the Burrow, now are they even going to show Bill and Fleurs wedding since it burned? Or did they fix it? Really, that was not necessary.

And how they left out the Hufflepuff memory, and when Harry hid the potions book there was no tiara unless I missed it, so how is he going to know about those 2 things? Ughhh

And the no funeral thing was such a bummer.. they managed to ruin Harry and Ginnys first kiss, I think there should have been more passion, shit it looked like how someone would kiss their grandmother.

OH and did I miss something or did Harry and Dumbledore apparate on Hogwarts grounds? Not possible..

But on another note, I'm gladded they left in how Hermione attacked Ron with the canaries she conjoured and that Quidditch was involved more! And the love potion scene.. too funny. And how Fawkes cried in the end, that was good too. I wish they would have showed the apparition classes though, that would've been hilarious too! I agree with what was mentioned above.. you can only fit so much in about 2 and half hours. I wish the movie didn't end so abruptly, I'm gonna be bummed if the funeral isn't in the next movie!

Man, it totally sounds like I'm bashing the movie.. it was brilliant, but not in the way I was hoping for. I'm still going to see it again, because I mixed feelings that I obviously need to come to terms with, lol.


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I think they burned down the burrow to show a few things; how much the people that love harry and want to protect him are in danger. They seemed to talk a lot about that. That the weasleys were being followed etc. That they're all sacrificing their safety for his, and what they believe is right.
And that no where save Hogwarts was supposed to be safe.

Ive come to realize that the films will never be the books. I have SO many favourite parts, and i hate being bummed when they leave them out. So i won't be. I'll just appreciate certain parts, and the story as a whole coming to life on the big screen.

I mean, HP fans are such die hard fans! but think of all the books made into film. Some of them don't even have the same story at all! In that respect, i think we're a bit spoiled. We ask too much. (ohhh get it! it's a dumbledore quote!!)

man im lame.


Well-known member
Good point.. it's wierd they mention that the Weasley's are being followed in this movie, because Harry doesn't find out until he's at the Ministry in the next book. But it was definately pressed on in this film, that people are so willing to protect him..
I will be bummed if they don't show the wedding at the burrow though! Which is why I was so shocked at that scene. And I think they may have added the scene to also give Bellatrix some more screen time, because she's mentioned in dialogue, but you can't portray that in a film.

I suppose you're right though.. we are a bit spoiled, look at all the amazing special effects in these movies.. every movie I am SO impressed that they manage to portray all the crazy shit soooo good.. and this movie was humorous too! "But I AM the chosen one!" hahaha
and we do have the books to fall back on. Oh how I love Harry Potter.. I'm lame too


Well-known member
me and hubby just got back from seeing it and both of us thought it was a good film but the ending wasn't as great as what we expected. it was a little blah compared to what happens in the book

and yes they left out some memories that i would have liked to have seen. but on the whole i enjoyed it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blackeneddove
I saw it tonight! I have mixed feelings.. I think it was very well put together, and a good movie, but it was disappointing because so many things were left out/changed. I did make the mistake of re-reading the 6th book before seeing the movie, that might have been why even the small things bothered me (like Luna finding Harry on the train, not Tonks, etc)

The fire thing at Christmas with Bellatrix.. um.. WTF?! Did they really HAVE to add that? What about the Burrow, now are they even going to show Bill and Fleurs wedding since it burned? Or did they fix it? Really, that was not necessary.

And how they left out the Hufflepuff memory, and when Harry hid the potions book there was no tiara unless I missed it, so how is he going to know about those 2 things? Ughhh

And the no funeral thing was such a bummer.. they managed to ruin Harry and Ginnys first kiss, I think there should have been more passion, shit it looked like how someone would kiss their grandmother.

OH and did I miss something or did Harry and Dumbledore apparate on Hogwarts grounds? Not possible..

But on another note, I'm gladded they left in how Hermione attacked Ron with the canaries she conjoured and that Quidditch was involved more! And the love potion scene.. too funny. And how Fawkes cried in the end, that was good too. I wish they would have showed the apparition classes though, that would've been hilarious too! I agree with what was mentioned above.. you can only fit so much in about 2 and half hours. I wish the movie didn't end so abruptly, I'm gonna be bummed if the funeral isn't in the next movie!

Man, it totally sounds like I'm bashing the movie.. it was brilliant, but not in the way I was hoping for. I'm still going to see it again, because I mixed feelings that I obviously need to come to terms with, lol.

Of course they would change minor things, but what i hated about the movie was how i just skipped from one part to another, without,warning, explantioin, idk how to say it.
I like the partwith Hermione and Draco crying, with Hermione and Lavender arguing over Ron, but I'm still confused, becuase they fucked up everything in this movie, what's the point of making 2 movies out of the 7th book?
like how is Harry going to know what to look for?Is the Burrow going to be rebuild? I love the lady who plays Bellatrix BTW


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blackeneddove
Good point.. it's wierd they mention that the Weasley's are being followed in this movie, because Harry doesn't find out until he's at the Ministry in the next book. But it was definately pressed on in this film, that people are so willing to protect him..
I will be bummed if they don't show the wedding at the burrow though! Which is why I was so shocked at that scene. And I think they may have added the scene to also give Bellatrix some more screen time, because she's mentioned in dialogue, but you can't portray that in a film.

I suppose you're right though.. we are a bit spoiled, look at all the amazing special effects in these movies.. every movie I am SO impressed that they manage to portray all the crazy shit soooo good.. and this movie was humorous too! "But I AM the chosen one!" hahaha
and we do have the books to fall back on. Oh how I love Harry Potter.. I'm lame too

That ws funny, that Romilda Vane was EXACTLY like how I imagined her, creep man.


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Originally Posted by Mabelle
Guys, they are wizards. I'm pretty sure they can rebuild the burrow.

I agree. Burning down the Burrow wasn't done to destroy it but to demonstrate how unsafe everyone is. Harry soon realizes that the people around him aren't safe when he is there. Hence why he, in the next book, tells Ron and Hermione that they can't go with him... that he has to do it alone; even though they do end up going with him. While the scene wasn't in the book... it was important.


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Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
.... what's the point of making 2 movies out of the 7th book?
like how is Harry going to know what to look for?Is the Burrow going to be rebuild? I love the lady who plays Bellatrix BTW

What do you expect from Tim Burton's wife?.
She's perfectly fitting as Bellatrix, I agree!.


Well-known member
She was SO preggo in the Sniper's End Scene!

I must say that Malfoy was really great. I felt so awful for him. He really looked tormented and like he wanted an out so badly.


Well-known member
Dumbledore addresses the apparition by noting that he has certain privileges.

There's too much story in the 7th book, too many horcruxes and honestly, too much unfucking on the previous storylines to NOT split the movie.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
I like the partwith Hermione and Draco crying, with Hermione and Lavender arguing over Ron, but I'm still confused, becuase they fucked up everything in this movie, what's the point of making 2 movies out of the 7th book?

I think that there are several reasons that they are making it into 2 movies. For one, they make craploads more money and get to keep the HP cash cow rolling for another year or two. Second of all, I think that they are going to make the first movie PG-13, and the second one will be R. The second half of the 7th book (for those of you who haven't read it) is very violent and full of dark adult themes, I don't think that they can make it so that it isn't R. By splitting the book, kids can see the first half and have another year to turn 17 before the second half comes out. This is all just speculation of course, it makes sense in my weird head!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Dumbledore addresses the apparition by noting that he has certain privileges.

There's too much story in the 7th book, too many horcruxes and honestly, too much unfucking on the previous storylines to NOT split the movie.

Ohh, ok, I did miss something then! Thanks

Originally Posted by gildedangel
I think that there are several reasons that they are making it into 2 movies. For one, they make craploads more money and get to keep the HP cash cow rolling for another year or two. Second of all, I think that they are going to make the first movie PG-13, and the second one will be R. The second half of the 7th book (for those of you who haven't read it) is very violent and full of dark adult themes, I don't think that they can make it so that it isn't R. By splitting the book, kids can see the first half and have another year to turn 17 before the second half comes out. This is all just speculation of course, it makes sense in my weird head!

You know what, good point! I didn't think of how they were going to rate the next 2 movies until you brought it up.. I was very surprised that this one was rated PG when the previous 2 were PG-13, though.
I just finished re-reading the 7th book as well, and I just don't think theres any way they can rate the next 2 movies under PG-13, it's too dark.. but I would also be surprised if either part was rated R though, becasue I think it may make less money, teens under 17 like to go to the movies without their parents to get them in, and you have to remember that there are TONS of fans who are only 10 still, there will always be young fans.. very controversial


Well-known member
Hey Everyone saw the movie a couple of days ago. I echo some of the
annoyances i've read so far especially the addition of the burrow burning
perhaps they added that in for the battle scene they took out at the end.
I think the worst error was how they changed it so Ginny hides the book
thats important in the last few chapters of Book 7. Again Dobby is cut ....

That being said I laughed a lot especially the scenes with Ron and
really enjoyed the parts they didn't royally mess up.


Well-known member
This movie was awful.

I am a huge Harry Potter fan,I've read all the books and I liked the other movies, but this one was just no good!

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Okie, saw the movie yesterday and man, I don't know what to say ... Umm, even though I've read all the books, I was wondering how much did those who haven't read em understand ? Seriously, some major shit was left out, like others said. I really hope though they make up for all of it in the next two movies


Well-known member
my boyfriend and my brother both have never read harry potter. it is not their thing but they both thoroughly enjoyed it saying that it was better than they expected. and they understood it as well. the true fans of the books will never be pleased with the film adaptations. you just have to separate them and watch the movies as a completely separate entity, otherwise you'll hate everything and it'll never be good enough. if i want to remember everything i'll read the books again. if i want to see it all in a nutshell i'll watch the movies.


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Hey FYI. I did Some Deathly Hallows film research and the Director said that fans of the books should be happier with these films because they had to edit out less (due to the fact that there's more screen time!)

I also saw shots for shell cottage, the burial there, and of Bill. FYI Fleur has been recast, so the wedding will surely happen. I also saw shots of the 3 main characters walking around the city in tuxes and a nice red dress!

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