Has any one worked as a make-up vendor on the military bases

I work as a vendor on a Military base. I cant stand it the company i work for now i wont Say who they are but they suck. I cover three different brands Too Face, Bliss and Jack Black.They are new brands to the military so the hours suck. I try to do mini make- overs on the wifes and women who come shop but they never like my work. I am a make-up artist and never have had an unhappy custormer before. I love the sexy smoky eye look and alot of them have no cule on how to even apply make-up let alone how to even know whats a "good" make-up application. Im trying to get a new job but untill then i need to make the best of it. Does any one have any ideas on how I can improve my my days and make some of these wifes "happy". HELP!!!!!