Has anybody ever said you wear *TOO MUCH* makeup?


Well-known member
it pisses me off when people do this especially ones that dont know how to even apply it...

well earlier on i was in this chat room for my local area which i sometimes go on to see if any of my mates are on... but today i was chatting to some nice people then some girl comes on and starts slatin me for no reason "you wear too much makeup.. looks like a makeup box exploded on your face" and "you peroxide slut" and "you need a shovel to get it all off"

i dont know why she said peroxide slut because ive NEVER died my hair lol apart from a few highlights couple times a year

but as for my profile.. i do have pics on there where im wearing makeup (mostly pics ive posted on here as FOTD's and normal ones.. some with my bf too and some ready to go clubbin)
i understand some people hate makeup but to be honest why do people need to judge too much? it pisses me off soo much

not to mention the girl who said it didnt have a pic of her on her profile which was abit weird (maybe shes soo ugly!) lol but yeh, i used to get shit like this in school getting comments how i wear too much makeup when they were girls who wore WAYY more than me but they never got shit

Its also funny because i do love makeup but i dont wear it much... maybe twice a week if that? and when im at college i wear abit of foundation, set it with powder, mascara, blush and a lipgloss or neutral lipstick

I thought this would be a good discussion to put on here as we are all makeup lovers... and when i thought about it, i dont wear that much makeup at all. But obviously i think some girls get jealous and start slating because they have nothing nice to say... my boyfriend hasnt got a problem at all, he loves me without makeup but he knows how much i love it so he buys me mac when new collections come out, he loves that i collect something and enjoy it.. just like he loves his football i love my makeup!

soo what about you guys?


Well-known member
Some of my work colleagues pass comment on my make-up, mostly along the lines of "you must get up really early to have time to put that on!". I suspect they're hinting at what they see as being too much make-up. However, of all my colleagues, I can only think of one girl who regularly wears noticeable, attractive make-up. There are a few who wear some very neutral, minimal looks, but there's only the one who actually seems like she has any real interest or enthusiasm. That probably only serves to make me seem all the more clown-like!

I agree that it's often the people who appear to have the least clue that mention it, though. I always feel like commenting that a bit of make-up would do them no harm, but I never do ...

My husband often comments on my make-up, but it's usually quite sweet, silly things he notices, rather than the overall amount. He'll say, "Ha ha! Metal cheeks today!" (?!) "Hmmm, that stuff on your eyes looks kind of like a peacock" etc. I do sometimes ask him if he thinks I've gone overboard (just if we're going out, I really don't pile it on all that much for work!) but he says no. I trust him as he's usually incredibly blunt and tactless, so I know he'd tell me it was too much if it was.


Well-known member
When I go into work I get looks all time of the managers and they say oh your looking really dressed up but they are being cheeky about it. I think Iam the only girl in my work that wears make-up ie bright colors lipstick etc and its a pain!! I bright colors to work because we have to wear a black uniform so I like to jazz it up a bit.

Ive never actually been told that I wear too much make-up but judging by the looks I get of all the chavs in the town I think they think Iam lol. I dont really care what people say about my make-up end of the day its my face and the people that say things either are jelous or dont have a good life so they try and make me feel bad.


Well-known member
this girl at work said i wear too much makeup, i was only wearing powder foundation, blot powder, bronzer and lipgloss.


Well-known member
Shit I wear my makeup- full eyes- every single day. People have talked shit, but I dont give a crap. I do what I want!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Shit I wear my makeup- full eyes- every single day. People have talked shit, but I dont give a crap. I do what I want!

I totally agree! I'm in college and nobody in my class is wearing ANY make up, except some mascara and lipbalm. I always feel dressed up between them, but in a good way, lol!


Active member
I get the same.... even around exam time after long nights of cramming, I dont go out of the house without eyeshadow and mascara! It really peps up my eyes and makes me feel good!!
I understand what you mean glam8babe, im from south-east england and if i go out with green or bright blue shadow i get strange looks and people making snide comments like oooo, that must have taken you so long, and dont you have anything else to do with your time??!! To which I reply... this took me 10 minutes and i least i dont look half dead. Mwahahahaha x


Well-known member
glam8babe, it totally sounds like that girl in the chat is jealous. i mean seriously. your fotd's are so nice! anyways i've found people are a lot more "expressive" online, and would never say a lot of this to a person's face, partly due to some anonymity of the internet. ignore her~!

for me, i've never been told i wear too much but i also don't wear lipstick much as i feel i look weird with it....but i'm trying! the only time to me it would look like too much is if it doesn't look good (if that makes sense) ie if I have a dry patch from winter that moisturizer doesn't solve/and/or i've not exfoliated yet, then the foundation makes those dry spots obvious and i think it then looks like too much b/c its blah.


Well-known member
im so glad im not the only one lol ... yeh i agree when people say "must have took you ages to get ready" but really it doesnt unless i have to wash my hair and dry it which takes hours as its so long but i have noticed people say i wear too much makeup are actually the ones who have clumpy mascara, tide lines and loads of blusher or bronzer


Well-known member
Glam8babe - I pity the person who said all those nasty things. She must have serious self confidence issues and she's taking it out on you - ignore her!


Well-known member
Since you were in a chat room, I suspect she was just using the internet to be an ass. People tend to be much more abrasive online than they would in person.


Well-known member
I have been told I wear too much make-up once by my bf (and he was TOTALLY right, I was rushing out the door, and decided to try my new pigment - Pinked Mauve - and didnt have time to blend - eww!) haha


honestly since when i wearing make up such a bad thing?! when i go out i want to look put together and most important confident in myself. its the same thing as wearing heels w/ jeans and a nice top to go to shop rite you do it for yourself!! it was probably just some insecure girl who is too terrified to wear mascara because someone might notice her


Well-known member
No...only by my parents, but they don't count (you know, the..."but you're so naturally beautiful, why do you want to cover it all up?" comment). I usually check with my husband if I'm doing brighter colors to make sure I don't go overboard, but he really likes the looks I do. I've even had a couple of friends comment that they'd like me to do their makeup since I do such a good job.

As for that nasty comment...ignore the biotch...she's just a jealous hater. Your looks are always gorgeous, just like you!!


Well-known member
I know this is such a typical thing to say, but she's just jealous. Internet lets people stay anonymous, so they like to bash others for no reason.
And not to sound snotty but I noticed that it's usually ugly girls with ugly make-up who make mean comments.


Well-known member
never been told i wear too much make up.

but i did have one friend say i was hiding behind my makeup. what the freck does that mean?? LOL.

that was years ago and i still wear makeup. i enjoy it. spending a little time every day putting on makeup makes *me* feel good. i don't care what other people think... although it IS nice when people compliment it. LOL.

i have to agree with all that the others have posted that the person who said those nasty things to you online.

Girl about town

Well-known member
i get it a lot especially at my work, im a nurse and for work i like to look well groomed i wear my foundation a bit of blush mascara and lipstick because its just my look , it makes me feel good!! i get lots of comments like how do you have the time? who are you trying to impress? i just like making an effort. I have platinum blonde hair also and get all the shitty comments like im hiding behind hair and make up!!! i just happen to think a shitty bare face looks boring lol x


you know what i feel bad for the women who dont think their worth the 15 minutes it takes to get ready in the morning! id rather get 15 minutes less sleep and look well polished and pretty. i just dont get it! i wish i lived back in the 50's era when women woke up and got ready for their day and being made up wasnt looked down upon. if your not wearing sweatpants and a t shirt you're suddenly a whore who tries to hard geez sorry end rant


Well-known member
It's interesting how times have changed. In the past, women took the time to put themselves together for the day, even if it was for running errands. My mom & grandmother still will not leave the house without having something on their face, and that has been passed on to me. It's not about hiding behind makeup or hair, it's about pride in your appearance...I think most of us do it to make ourselves feel good. Nowadays, some women who choose to wear less or none at all make those who do feel bad about it.

I also think she's grasping at whatever she can to insult you just so she can feel better about herself.


Well-known member
Yeah but it's my guy friends who would say "You'd look so much better if you went more natural..."

YEAH RIGHT. Makeup is art and so I will wear my bright eyeshadows, glitters, bright lipsticks...whatever I want.

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