Has anybody ever said you wear *TOO MUCH* makeup?


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Originally Posted by GoldenFairy
My brother said I look like a clown when i wear my fashion frenzy blush!

Aren't families lovely?


Well-known member
When I was a teen, I was told many times that I wore too much m/up. Truth be told, I was indeed wearing too much. At the time, I wasn't that skilled.

I don't attack those in how they want to express or adorn themselves.

If someone attacks you online (as this person did), it's because they have an issue with the subject at hand.

Ah, in regard to mask, read my little clip below. It's not always a negative thing.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
Aren't families lovely?

haha yeh.. most of my family comment on m makeup like "you dont NEED all of that on" or "where the hell are you going?" but sometimes in a jokey way.. but to me it pisses me off
i have one auntie who lives in belgium she gave me her old touche eclait concealer when i was about 10 and i loved it.. mostly because i felt 'grown up' even though i didnt wear it, i didnt know what it was for but i knew it was designer.. and whenever i visit her she always buys me stuff and never lets me buy cheap makeup which is good.. but the rest of my family go mad when i buy a new makeup item apart from my mother who doesnt care because its my boyfriend who pays for it all lol but my other aunties etc. all think its a waste of money and stupid


Well-known member
i get those comments from my family and my boyfriend. And its becuase they think i look sexy/handsome with out it. But it make me feel better about myself so i'll do it anyway. lol.

glam8babe you look fine. forget the haterz, do what pleases you!


Well-known member
Yeap from EVERYONE.

I don't care, I just shrug mah shoulders and shake them haters off. Its confidence that makes you look good, makeup just enhances what you already have.


Well-known member
i work at a preschool...and i just laugh when my kids ask me "whats all that stuff on your face??" or "why are you wearing pink on your eyes?"



Well-known member
I'd ignore that bitch. she's just jealous cuz ur hot and can rock makeup. she's probably so ugly even makeup can't make her look pretty. hahahaha....ok, that was mean. i'll zip it.

I've gotten it from a friend (who wears nothing but chapstick, well at least that's what it looks like) and my bf's family. They think I'm so high maintenance just b/c I actually like to make myself look good.
one time my bf's mom said to me "I don't wear makeup at all, not even in the past, and look at my skin. *touches cheek* ooOooOooo, so soft!" It's obvious she doesn't see the wrinkles above her top lip from the kazillion cigarettes she's smoked in her life. yes, that's wonderful cigarette infused "soft" wrinkled skin you have! Don't wear makeup cuz it's bad for your skin, but smoke cigarettes for those lovely wrinkles above your lip!

But at work, no one says shit cuz I'm a cosmetician. haha I have an excuse to wear lots and lots of makeup, so I can sell lots and lots of makeup.

I'm lucky that my family leaves me alone with that stuff though. But once in a blue moon my mom will say "if you didn't do ur makeup, u'd be able to sleep an extra hour!" LOL im like wateverrrr mom, get outta here! haha

Originally Posted by lainz
i work at a preschool...and i just laugh when my kids ask me "whats all that stuff on your face??" or "why are you wearing pink on your eyes?"


hahahaa that's TOO cute though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lainz
i work at a preschool...and i just laugh when my kids ask me "whats all that stuff on your face??" or "why are you wearing pink on your eyes?"


That's precious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
Aren't families lovely?

It's funny, because my brother in law thinks its funny how my sister and I love makeup so much. He says stuff like, "you only have one face, why do you need it ALL" because admittedly, I think I own more than I could ever use up, but he never says it in a malicious way. We all poke fun at each other, so I'm okay with him joking with me. Even I think it's ridiculous sometimes how many variations of one color of eyeshadow/lipgloss I own. =/ I want to practice on him, he has the prettiest eyes and eyelashes! He says he will let me, but we'll see.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenee.sum
I'd ignore that bitch. she's just jealous cuz ur hot and can rock makeup. she's probably so ugly even makeup can't make her look pretty. hahahaha....ok, that was mean. i'll zip it.


that's it... See, you shouldn't really worry about it, as you're free to do whatever you want, as long as it makes you feel confident about yourself. Anf that girl is really most likely just jealous of you, as you have a willpower/patience to do it every day. I son't wear makeup everyday, just cause i'm a leet sleepzor lol
, i really can't help oversleeping, so if i dont have much time, i'd rathjer do a fast natural make-up just to look ok, then to try something special which requieres more time.. i'll hardly finish it in time, and as i'll be in a hurry, i'll make a mess on my face. So well, i really respect those girls why do it every day. Just do your thing, stay beautiful, and don't let any haters spoil your day.


Well-known member
I get this ALL the time from friends, family and people who i don't even know! LOL but i just ignore them!

I've learnt not to let THEIR insecurities have an effect on me because at the end of the day it doesn't mean anything to me. They just try to let you down by making themselves feel good and you really piss them off when you ignore it and laugh about it!

Just remember so many people think you are gorgeous (friends, family, bf and specktra memebers!) so why let 1 little piece of s*** ruin your day? hahaha that person is NOTHING compared to the people who love you and love the work you do

Keep your head high and enjoy doing what you are doing!


Well-known member
I think we're all in the same boat. I love makeup, I love wearing it and I love feeling sexy when I wear it. It's an art, a hobby, a passion!
My friends have always made annoying not intended to be rude, remarks, but cmon, enough is enough. " Do you sleep with lipglass on"?

Oh gawddddd

I've just learned to ignore it all


Well-known member
I'm like known within my friends/family as the one who wears too much makeup [most of them actually don't wear/don't care about makeup tho]! I mainly wear too much face makeup tho as opposed to wearing bright shadows or lips [I'm recently really getting into it tho, haha]. When I was in middle school, kids, boys especially, always made comments about my skin color and how pale I am. I got sick of it and have been sunless tanning and overdoing the bronzer ever since! Maybe if boys weren't so mean I wouldn't wear so much makeup, haha! I'm also very self-conscious so I rarely leave the house without a full-face of makeup. Otherwise, I just feel like crap about myself. But, yes I have gotten this comment!


Well-known member
Oh yeah I definitely get comments. I am the girl who is glammed out on makeup when I'm going out on weekends. I notice that most of the girls I hang out with don't wear any and they ask me "What did you get all fixed up for?" just because I'm wearing bold eyeshadows or wearing very noticeable eyeliner (and I love eyeliner!). I've been told I wear makeup like a whore, that I look "overly made up" blahblahblah...But I let the comments just roll right off me. I love expressing myself with makeup and I have no intentions of changing.

Wear your makeup however it pleases you, girl.


Well-known member
I hardly get comments in my day to day life, but i do get comments on my youtube tutorials...you know the regular you look like a hooker type things lol. Im not too bothered with it because honestly, im better than them in every single way. But I do get super pissed when boys say it (my bf knows not to go there, but i doubt he would because i think he likes my makeup) because i know a guy would never approach me in a bar if i had no bronzer, mascara, eyeliner, or lipgloss. That "i like u better natural" thing is shit, im sorry. I never get approached in the super market with no make-up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
I hardly get comments in my day to day life, but i do get comments on my youtube tutorials...you know the regular you look like a hooker type things lol. Im not too bothered with it because honestly, im better than them in every single way. But I do get super pissed when boys say it (my bf knows not to go there, but i doubt he would because i think he likes my makeup) because i know a guy would never approach me in a bar if i had no bronzer, mascara, eyeliner, or lipgloss. That "i like u better natural" thing is shit, im sorry. I never get approached in the super market with no make-up.

ive started to get that on youtube too... especially from 'weirdos' who make accounts on there just to be mean to people. I had one girl saying "you look like a whore.. and not a pretty one either" then she said something like "you need a shovel to take that off" lmao i was like WTF i replied to her.. the bitch didnt come back


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KikiB
Yeah but it's my guy friends who would say "You'd look so much better if you went more natural..."

YEAH RIGHT. Makeup is art and so I will wear my bright eyeshadows, glitters, bright lipsticks...whatever I want.

haha I got this from my husband every time...but I think that he doesn´t want me spending more money on my MAC!


Well-known member
Chances are you look pretty hot if you're getting girls saying that kinda thing. Girls love to hate on other girls they feel jealous of. Otherwise they wouldn't bother. The more envious they are, the meaner the comments. So, keep doing what you're doing! Take it as a compliment.

I haven't had anyone say anything one way or another about my make-up.

I think most people think too much make up = colourful eyeshadow. Especially guys, because they're pretty dumb when it comes to make-up. I've had guys seriously think I blush ALL the time.
JUST TELL EM ALL TO F*** OFF!! i work at a supermarket on the weekends and we had this new personnel manager last year- she was a complete bitch and told me one day to "calm it down" i was like wat r u on about? she referred to my make up. i was in complete shock. id been workin there for 3 years and my colleagues and esp the customers LOVE the way i do my makeup esp my eyes. i jus didnt know what 2 say 2 her. my inital reaction was to defend myself so i jus told her no. everyone loves my makeup and im not gona change myself. then she pulled out the staff handbook on me and it said "no loud makeup" but i didnt consider my rockets n stars with freshwater as a liner as LOUD. she was jus a jealous bitch same as the tart who said shit 2 u. dont take any notice and jus do wat u like (as long as its not clownish lol).
