Has anyone had a VBAC?


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Has any mom here had a Vaginal Birth After C-Section? The doctor brought it up at my last visit & now I'm getting more & more curious. I had a C-Section with my son & the healing time was miserable. Every time I coughed or sneezed I thought I was going to split in two! Initially, I was pooly-informed & thought that if you tried to have a vaginal birth that your uterus would rupture. I'm reading that a rupture isn't that common. I'm just curious if any Specktra mamas had any experience with VBAC.


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Well I attempted a VBAC with baby #2 but my retarded hubby made me go to the hospital once my contractions got to 3mins apart but he only did it because with my first daughter in 97' I never felt the contractions and had sooo many problems and we almost lost her from all the complications and after that I was too scared so after 8yrs (05') I had baby girl #2 and thank god she came on her own and I actually felt the contractions and was so greatfull cause my doc said the same was likely to happen again that she didn't want me attempting a VABC(she gave me a planned C-section date) sooo I thought my hubby was asleep I took the pain and hoped he wouldn't hear my breathing but he got up and asked if I was ok I said yeah and I walked out to the yard with the dogs..lol... and I thought I was slick that he called my doc on his cell and I guess she said to take me in and I refused but once he told he was up but acting like he was asleep and he said he was timing me and that my contractions were @3mins apart I got so excited that I was probly gonna have a fighting chance ....

So when I got to the hospital they called my doc and she said they weren't gonna let me get the VBAC because of my past history I cried like a baby cuz I felt like a failure and less of a woman and mother...
but once I went in for my emergency section again I was sooo pissed but when my baby girl was born the sadness,anger and all my bad feelings went away and all I had was tears of happiness!

Sorry this was so long but my point is if ur doc suggested it go for it I wish I could have ,I tried but doc said no can do even after I begged them to let me try but in the end me and my baby were ok and she was perfect and healthy... and I was happy they convinced me not to put our lifes at risk although sometimes I still wish I could have had a VBAC cause I feel I could have done it but doctors know best.

Also my doc said no matter what there always a risk for uterin rupture but its rare when it does happen.

Good luck with everything and if u decide for it I'm sure everything will tuen out great!


Well-known member
My mum had two C-section babies and two VBACs. My little sister (#3) was a forceps delivery, but a vaginal birth nonetheless. I can't exactly give you details because it was my mum, not me, but she was fine. I've heard that uterine ruptures are pretty rare, but I wouldn't make a medical decision based on the experiences of people on a forum. Your doctor knows your medical history and how your pregnancy is progressing, so in the end I would go with whatever your doctor reccomends. Good luck.


Well-known member
Thanks so much Nutmeg =) Of course I'm not going to base what I'm going to do in the delivery room off of forums...I'm just looking for feedback & other stories.


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Ultimately when the time comes & whatever the Dr. advises is going to be the plan of action. Whether that be delivering vaginally or a repeat C-section. I was just interested in hopefully hearing how a VBAC went for another mother. I can do research until my fingers go numb from typing - but to me, an experience from another mother (with VBAC) would be worth it's weight in gold. Thanks again for the comments & feedback!


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Honestly, anymore, most doctors will recommend a second c-section due to the increased liability on their part. There is no harm in attempting a VBAC, but one does have to go into the process realizing that a section is a possiblity, because of the previous history.
Also, what type of incision was made in the first delivery? Lower transverse or straight down the middle? If you've got the former your chances of VBAC are better than with the latter. In fact, most docs won't even bother trying when the incision was down the middle (at least, none of the doctors I've ever worked with would do it, because of the way the muscles and the uterus were cut).


Well-known member
A low transverse incision was made when I had my son. My doctor enlightened me a bit more about the possibility of a VBAC. I had went into his office w/ a negative attitude about it & he mentioned that there were positive aspects to it as well as the well-known negative. Obviously this is something that he & I will go into further detail as I progress in my pregnancy. Oh, I am fully aware that a C-section might definitely be the outcome. I'm not against having a C-section...I just wanted to further explore my options & hear some other opinions.


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No problem DevinGirl.... You're probably so excited that you get to talk about having another baby! I would be


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My BFF had a VBAC with no problems. She was seriously considering another C-section because she has a bicorniate uterus. She was fine though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzcelaneous
My BFF had a VBAC with no problems. She was seriously considering another C-section because she has a bicorniate uterus. She was fine though.

Hm...I'd never heard of that - I looked it up & woah. Despite everything & limitations people set on us or the ones we set on ourselves - the human body never ceases to amaze me!

Another Janice!

Well-known member
I know several women who have had successful VBACs.
They all had "bikini cut" C-sections.

All of their doctors that were for it told them that they couldn't be induced though. They would have to go into labor on their own.

The pitocin can sometimes take on a life of its own so to speak and make the uterus stay in a contraction and the risk for uterine rupture increases.

The moms I know that have had a VBAC couldn't be happier. The important thing was that they were prepared for it to go either way.

IMO its better to be in a hospital setting for a VBAC (I'm not against home births...I am heavily considering one next time around) just in case.

LMAO...I have one friend who had her first by C section...a VBAC with her second and wanted a VBAC with her third. She had kicked around the idea of a homebirth, but in the end chickened out.

She labored at home until she couldn't talk through the contractions. Her husband called her midwives to have them meet her at the hospital, but before her husband even hung up the phone, she was already delivering the baby on her bed!!

So, she had a successful VBAC, a homebirth and finally a little girl to complete her family...lol.

Her story is one of my favorite birth stories ever!


Well-known member
My boyfriend was born C sectionly and his mother had 5 other kids after him all VBAC (she talks to me a lot hehe...)

Me personally, if I were to require a C section when I eventually have babies I would want to try for a VBAC for all the rest unless it was strongly advised that I don't...


Well-known member
HI Devin!!

You've gotten lots of good feedback here! I think you're on the right track: asking for experience but ultimately deferring to what your doctor might think is best. There are so many factors!

I had my daughter vaginally the first time, but it was on the verge of an emergency c-section (which can often be dangerous for mother and child, depending on the circumstances). If I were to EVER have another child, I would go with a c-section rather than risk the possibly fatal and/or debilitating consequences of going through another shoulder dystocia birth.

Granted, I didn't really answer your question - just wanted to share a bit and let you know I've been thinking about you (missing your FOTDs!) and hoping your pregnancy is progressing well.


Well-known member
devingirl - i see you are due in 1 wk - how are you doing?
(sorry i didn't see this thread earlier)

i have had 2 vbacs both in hospital. i would be happy to share their birthstories with you. they were both amazing experiences!

also, i am a doula and have 2 vbac-hopeful clients!

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