Has anyone tried or currently used the oil cleansing method?


Well-known member
This thread is great, I just purchased jojoba oil online, along with the microfiber cleaning clothes. excited! Thanks for all the great info


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Originally Posted by bklynfemme
This thread is great, I just purchased jojoba oil online, along with the microfiber cleaning clothes. excited! Thanks for all the great info

Where did you order your oil & cloths from?

I noticed that QVC has large washcloths & they come in a set. Some said they were too rough in texture, but I like the larger cloth size. Anybody use these?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Can someone explain the OCM to me? I am so interested, but a little lost at the same time LOL!

There's a couple of really good video's about it on youtube which is how I found out about it. But from what I gather, it works by breaking down the dirt and oils that block your pores. Then wash it off and you have smooth, soft and lovely clean skin.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Can someone explain the OCM to me? I am so interested, but a little lost at the same time LOL!

nyla, use an oil suitable for your skintype [in one of the posts above] or else start with pure, organic jojoba oil. If you have a Trader Joe's in your area, they sell 4 oz. bottles for $7 USD. The manufacturer is Desert Essence, a line that also makes tea tree anti-blemish treatments. I've seen this same brand offered at the Vitamin Shoppe for a whopping $15! so it pays to shop around.

Pour a quarter size amount of jojoba into the palm of your clean clean hands, then apply with hands and fingertips to remove your makeup first. Be sure the makeup is completely removed before you do the massage; the last thing you wanna do is grind bits and traces of makeup in your pores

Once makeup has been removed, rinse face with warm to tepid water. Some subscribe to using the hottest water you can stand. I personally don't; I have enlarged pores and don't think I need to open them up anymore than they already are, so warm water is OK. Then take a larger amount of jojoba oil [about the size of a 50 cent piece], apply to your face and begin to massage in small, circular motions. I do this for about 15 minutes in front of the television and catch up on news. You will feel sebum plugs come out. Rinse with warm water and use a microfiber cloth [don't rub too hard] to remove all traces of oil, then continue with your toner and remaining treatments. If you don't have a microfiber cloth, a standard washcloth is OK too.

Hope this helps,



Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeba
...... now i must get the microfiber cloths you ladies are mentioning. but i wonder how often can you use them and how to cleanse them. (off to do more research)

I use one everyday, twice a day. The manufacturer where I purchase mine suggests rinsing in clean, hot water and allow to air dry. Machine wash once a week with your laundry as long as you're not using any fabric softener. Air dry.

I throw in all 8 cloths I have into my load of towels; once I stock up, I'll be able to use 2 per day but that's just me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
nyla, use an oil suitable for your skintype [in one of the posts above] or else start with pure, organic jojoba oil. If you have a Trader Joe's in your area, they sell 4 oz. bottles for $7 USD. The manufacturer is Desert Essence, a line that also makes tea tree anti-blemish treatments. I've seen this same brand offered at the Vitamin Shoppe for a whopping $15! so it pays to shop around.

Pour a quarter size amount of jojoba into the palm of your clean clean hands, then apply with hands and fingertips to remove your makeup first. Be sure the makeup is completely removed before you do the massage; the last thing you wanna do is grind bits and traces of makeup in your pores

Once makeup has been removed, rinse face with warm to tepid water. Some subscribe to using the hottest water you can stand. I personally don't; I have enlarged pores and don't think I need to open them up anymore than they already are, so warm water is OK. Then take a larger amount of jojoba oil [about the size of a 50 cent piece], apply to your face and begin to massage in small, circular motions. I do this for about 15 minutes in front of the television and catch up on news. You will feel sebum plugs come out. Rinse with warm water and use a microfiber cloth [don't rub too hard] to remove all traces of oil, then continue with your toner and remaining treatments. If you don't have a microfiber cloth, a standard washcloth is OK too.

Hope this helps,


Thank you soooooo much for the instructions! I can't wait to try this!


I use Dermalogica's Precleanse as well. It has made such a huge difference for me. It doesn't dry me out, it doesn't sting if it gets near your eyes and it removes everything without drying your skin like some gel cleansers do. My pores are smaller and my skintone is more even.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
I just ordered the oil & cloths from Althena's site link above. I can't wait to try this!

elegantone, how is this working for you?


Well-known member
Just to say that after a few weeks, my skin has improved massively since using this method. I love it and I don't think I'll be using anything else from now on.


Well-known member
I've been doing this for a long time with olive oil, before I realized this was a popular method. Since discovering the website and videos, I've been adding a bit of castor oil, and it still works great for me!


Well-known member
I've been using Shu's Cleansing Beauty Oil A/I and it's LOVELY. My skin tone and clarity has improved and I'm seeing less blemishes.


I'm not sure if what I'm doing is exactly OCM, but I do use a combination of jojoba, castor, and olive oil to remove my makeup. At most I massage for about 2 minutes to make sure everything has been lifted from my skin. I don't do the towel step, I use an all natural soap to remove the makeup-laden oil from my face. I just can't bring myself to leave a thin layer of oil on my face when I'm done.

Despite my deviations from the real OCM method, my skin has gotten much more clearer and my pores have less gunk in them. I don't think using natural soap at the end totally cancels out the benefits of the initial oil step.

I might start doing the whole 10 minute gentle massage once a week though to see if I can get even better results.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
elegantone, how is this working for you?

Athena - I just saw this - sorry

yes, I love what you recommended! My skin is incredibly soft, pores are clear & seem much smaller. I'm so glad that you posted this valuable information! And the skin seems so much clearer.

You were right, I ordered 2 of the washcloths & they are a very small size.


Well-known member
I tried this with organic olive oil and it just made my skin worse (even had break-outs on my neck! I never break-out there!). I will definitely try jojoba oil next.

Baby Mac

Well-known member
Ive been using this method for a week..i use just castor oil...my face feels clean and soft and skin looks radiant afterwards...

Although i think i may have been burning my skin ..i think i had the face cloth to HOT..
Does using a lukewarm face cloth remove all the oil properly?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Baby Mac
Ive been using this method for a week..i use just castor oil...my face feels clean and soft and skin looks radiant afterwards...

Although i think i may have been burning my skin ..i think i had the face cloth to HOT..
Does using a lukewarm face cloth remove all the oil properly?

Oh no! Oil+hot=crispy!
I think that you'll be ok with warm water. I definitely don't think it's worth burning your face over it. Just make sure you're thorough and you should get the oil off.


So, I've only done this once because I haven't really had the time and I'm so happy with the results. Although, it might just be in my head from all the rave reviews lol
I'll get back to you guys with more accurate results when later. I'm going to try to find castor oil (I've been using jojoba oil from TJ)


Well-known member
I use the OCM! I have the BABOR Hy-Öl oil cleanser in combination with phytoactive. That really cleanses well and my skin feels great after using it.


Well-known member
I just started using MAC's Cleansing Oil last week (lots of great reviews on makeupalley) and so far I love it! It gets everything off - my sunscreen, long-lasting foundation (like revlon colorstay + EL doublewear) and my waterproof mascara! No need for anything else! woohoo! lol