Hauls - What are you going to get from the new collections??


Well-known member
I don't even want to think about it...but for the sake of this thread I will

Geez....Sweetie Cake is going to kick my butt I already know, I think my list was around $150. Sundressing will be about $160 and Lure/Bait/Hooked is going to be around $100. Hmm. Not as bad as I thought.


Well-known member
Deja Rose: Nothing
Sweetie Cake: About $70 (three pigments and maybe a glitter pencil
Sundressing: $50 tops
Lure/Bait/Hooked: $100+ most likely.


Active member
I prefer not to think about it...so when a collection comes out I'll make a couple of smaller amount purchases so it doesn't feel as bad as spending like $250 at once...4 trips of $60 feels better but I guess that's just me in denial about how much money I spend on MAC every year =)


Well-known member
Deja Rose: around $30 (lipgloss and l/s)
Sweetie Cake: around $60 (three pigments)
Sundressing: around $55-60 (two pigments and lipgloss or l/s)
Lure/Bait/Hooked: around $30 - 40 l/s and lipgloss
Turquatic: no clue

plus $60 for whatever catchs my eye
grand total: $250


Well-known member
i'm gonna go all out on Sweetie cake, I want to get the quad, most of the glitter liners, a couple of the pot glosses, maybe 1 or 2 of the n/p, maybe 1 of the l/g, 1 or 2 of the pigments. hopefully i get my tax return before then!


Well-known member
im saving $2 per day from 1st january..my biggest haul
will be during the christmas..i've lots money by then


Well-known member
dejarose - 1 es 2 lip glasses
classic coordinates - nothing
pretty boy - 1 pigment and the quad
sundressing - entire collection
liquidlast - at least 5 colors
lure/bait/hooked - 2 TLC sticks, 1 blush creme pearl,3 es, 1 lipglass

how could I forget about sweetie cake - 1 pigment, quad,6 pencils and 1 lipglass


Well-known member
i always change my mind once i get to the counter, but here's what i have planned:
-dejarose l/g
finally getting lustering and russian red l/s w/ classic coodinates (oh, and VGV gloss)
*sweetie cake
-sweetie cake + petit four l/g
-peacocked + reflecto e/l
possibly apricot pink pigment + quad
-medium bronzing spray
-seadip nail polish *this is hot!*
-light as air liner
-gold dusk pigment
-the mid-toned gloss (forgot the name)
-fountainbleu e/s
-possibly bateau + li living pink e/s
-aqualine liner
*lure/bait/hooked (summer lines make me weak)
-waternymph e/s
-aquavert e/s
maybe mancatcher e/s
-pink clash l/g
-phosperelle l/g
-lune blushcreme
-delphic + nightfish fluidline
-one of the bronzers, we'll see when i get there!
-good as gold pearlizer
-both golden and deeper bronze fx
...i'll be working a lot, so if this is one of the things that makes me happy, i don't feel guilty...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Joke
Now that we already have a pretty good idea what will follow this year: how much money are you saving for MAC? What collections are you planning to go crazy on?

I don't want to disappoint myself. I'm going to budget and bank on that I will buy EVERYTHING, and that way, when I don't get things, I can pat myself on the back and pretend that I'm "saving" money...it's all about setting expectations, you see?


I actually have a list saved so I don't forget anything. And I'm not much of a big spender, just a few things here and there. Mostly neutrals too. I did just discover pigments, though, so I may be splurging a bit on some of those pretty shortly.

Sweetie Cake:
Apricot Pink Pigment - 19.50
Lily White Pigment - 19.50

Summer Eyeshadow - 13.50

Other Things:
Gleam Eyeshadow - 13.50
Vanilla Pigment - 19.50
Golden Olive Pigment - 19.50

For a grand total of: $105

Not too bad considering some of the non-LE things don't have to be purchased immediately, and it'll be spread out over a few months.

I also think I might end up getting one of the Liquidlast Liners (most likely black) if I can get over my fear of liquid liner. I'll have to check them out at the counter first.


Well-known member
Sweetie Cake
-Apricot Pink pigment

-Delphic fluidline (unless it looks like blue peep)
-Haunting fluidline
-both blushcremes look nice

-Pop Iris
-Blue Herizon
-Point Black

so without backups, that sets me back like 200 dollars or something, but thank god it's not all coming out at the same time. these choices are based only on the pictures I've seen online...so maybe when I see the products in real life, I won't like them. but i know I want the glitter eyeliner pencils, even if they're ug.


Well-known member
I definetly want to getsome more products from Sweetie Cake. The soft sparkle pencils. For sure the black one if nothing else. I would also like to get plum parfait petit gloss, lily white pigment, and the blue sprinkle nail lacquer. From Deja rose, heartfelt pink lipglass, pink freeze, pink venus eye shadows,


Well-known member
I think I need almost all of the new pigments from She Shines...they are all colors that truly appeal to me- but I'll reserve judgement on how many I'll actually buy until I see swatches. I also want the new Pearly TLC sticks with L/B/H!!


Well-known member
Being Australian and the criminal prices they charge... probably a grand!
Sweetie Cake (which thank GOD it doesn't come out til' september here!
The quad, all piggies, and 4 pencils
Sundressing: 2 e/s and a beauty powder
Liquidlast liners (thank god they're perm.) 4 of those, and depending what they are like in life, probably more...
Lure: 4 e/s, a blushcreme and a f/l
Hooked: both pearlizers
She shines: 7 piggies
Turquatic: all e/s

Sooooo expensive here.... :'( Thank god I've just gotten a new job and my birthdays right in the middle of it all...


Well-known member
omg all you US and Canadian people think it's bad?? think about us poor souls in australia and NZ where MAC is like 3 times more expensive then anywhere else in the world!! i usually can only afford one or two lipglasses and a quad if i'm super lucky and rich!! arghh!! if only i found some cheaper means of buying MAC


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jess98765
omg all you US and Canadian people think it's bad?? think about us poor souls in australia and NZ where MAC is like 3 times more expensive then anywhere else in the world!! i usually can only afford one or two lipglasses and a quad if i'm super lucky and rich!! arghh!! if only i found some cheaper means of buying MAC

See if you can buddy up with somebody and get them to do a CP for you... it works out MUCH cheaper if you can work it... $13.50USD for an e/s is $22NZD which if you compare that to $34NZD... Well I think it's worth it (although it works out even cheaper in AUD ~ $18.50...) So you could try that if it helps...

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