Have yor ever been stalked?.share your stalker stories here?


Well-known member
Not really stalked.. But I was followed by some creepy guy around the store, and he followed me into the next store... Ugh.


Well-known member
My ex stalked me before.

After we broke up. He wanted me to get back with him.
I said no.
And then he wouldn't leave my best friend alone, like asking personal questions about ME. Like if I went to Homecoming with another guy.. How my grades were (who ASKS about this?!) and he kept acting like everything was fine with me.

Even when he got to another high school, he kept trying to talk to me.
And the last draw.. was when he left me a message on myspace saying that the other day, he drove past my house, so now he knew how to get there.

Needless to say. I freaked out and blew up at him. He leaves me alone now.


Well-known member
urgh... since I broke up with my boyfriend, I go out alone now. I encounter a lot of strangers... some nice, some super creepy... I think its sorta weird how people talk to me more, now than I am with nobody.

when i first moved to Winnipeg, i had no idea that the neighborhood wasn't that safe. I was walking to the bank and walked past a bar/liquor store. BIG MISTAKE! I'll never walk that block again. I got honked at, called at, bleh. It was scary.

It didn't help that this random half drunk hogie started following me and talking to me. He was telling me how beautiful I was... and I was like "uhh okay thanks." and then he was like "do you like to sleeep?" Like Wow i was so freaked out i just ran all the way to the bank LOL ;(


Well-known member
Yeah I was. Police did nothing even after he threatened by life. I had to move. I am now in treatment for Post traumatic stress disorder and I trying to get on with my life.


Well-known member
There was this one guy who used to call me up at random hours and sent me roses and chocolates on my birthday...but he never talked to me, neither did he every show me who he was

Another guy who I took a class with last semester got strangely obsessive and started telling me that he loved me and cant live without me.
He found me on facebook, myspace...msn...you name it
He got my address and number from the school directory.
I usually dont, but I had to be firm and tell him off...but he still finds any excuse to talk to me.

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