Have you ever had to work with someone you couldn't stand?


Well-known member
I currently work witha girl who I think is the most shallow and obnoxious human being on the entire planet. She just might be worse than our good friend Paris Hilton.

Now don't get me wrong, she's a nice girl, she's not mean or anything. But she's obnoxious. Very insistent on letting the world know that she's there and that all attention should be on her. All she does is go out and party, and that's her lifestyle choice--who am I to judge? But it affects her work ethic. She comes to work, presumably in the same clothes she partied in, and instead of working, she primps with the product. I've told my manager about it, so she made a blanket statement without mentioning any names to remind people not to abuse company time. It hasn't stopped her, but I did all I could.
It's just so frustrating!!! I don't get how people can be so oblivious to the fact that they're annoying! I know I'm annoying to some people, but at least I'm aware. I'm sarcastic, I can be clingy, and I like to talk alot. BUT I'M AWARE. LOL she has no clue! I wanna leave a note on her locker but I'm afraid it would come off as me being mean, but in reality it's just me being honest on behalf of the majority of the team.

Ugh. Why god, why?


Well-known member
you poor girl
i feel your pain. have a few of these at work too.


Well-known member
Wow, the things you are going through with her seem extremely irritating...! Every workplace needs a secret trap door installed where at the press of the button you can feed annoying collegues or customers to the sharks. I've daydreamed about it many times


Well-known member
How annoying!! She sounds incredibly immature! From what you've said she doesn't even sound as if she should be old enough to work haha. I have had similar experiences working at Macy's in the cosmetics deparment (I was in women's fragrances). Only in my case they were GROWN WOMEN who acted so ridiculously. They fought over commission, stole each other's customers, and pounced on unsuspecting customers, practically forcing them to buy something they didn't want. The return rate was SO high there for fragrances AND makeup. It was absurd. I just wanted to slap them in the face and be like "you are 40 years old - there is more to life than this! get over yourself!" I was very tempted


Well-known member
I work with a girl who won't shut up too. Mine talks all day about her problems. If she's talking, she's complaining. She does nothing to help herself; like she complains ALL DAY that somebody woke her up at 4 am by calling her phone, but she refuses to turn her phone off or even the ringer down.

It is so hard to be nice or even civil to somebody that is so oblivious!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I worked with obnoxious people, and it affects your work sometimes, even if you don't intend it to. If she is as awful as you claim and if it's really affecting her work, perhaps the manager will notice and she'll get fired?


Well-known member
Eep. Crappy co-workers!!! I have a thread about my obnoxious co-worker around here somewhere...

Read the book, "Working with you is killing me". It helped me approach my obnoxious moronic co-worker to tell her that she needed to keep her hands off of my stuff in a way that didn't seem too shitty.


Well-known member
that sounds so annoying, i will be irritated too, big time! i will continue what you are doing of ignoring her. i hear ya in the part where just don't get it when they become too annoying, they're totally clueless. i have this girl i know who won't stop trying to be nice to me, no matter how much i ignore her because i can't stand her and don't want to be associated with her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I worked with obnoxious people, and it affects your work sometimes, even if you don't intend it to. If she is as awful as you claim and if it's really affecting her work, perhaps the manager will notice and she'll get fired?

the only things she's done that are punishable offenses, I or someone else has already mentioned. So the cheating during the skincare contest and the primping while on the clock.
During the Clinique training, she got up and "went to the bathroom" (with a bunch of hairproducts and a tester flatiron) and came back 10 minutes later with well groomed hair. That wouldn't have been so terrible if she hadn't come back and asked questions about the products the trainer had JUST gone over. So it interrupted the training because she missed 15 minutes of it to go and do her hair. So I mentioned it to my manager, I'm not sure if they've said anything to her or not.


Well-known member
Oh god that sounds terrible. She sounds like a very insecure little brat.

I've worked with one co-worker once, waitressing at a hotel restaurant, that somehow had it in for me. I was fairly young and inexperienced, and he was much older and he mobbed me. At that age, I didn't know how to defend myself and my boss was a complete asshole as well so I couldn't go to talk to him about this. It seriously caused a dent in my self esteem at that point and one night he was insulting me so much directly to my face, I broke down and cried, at work! And I am not one to cry easily! I don't think I've ever cried in public before.

In the end I was just glad to leave that job.


Well-known member
These annoying/self absorbed people are all around us. I think at any job you can find people exactly like this, which sucks because we usually spend so much time at work. Just give it time, she is the type of person that eventually is going to do something to screw herself.


Well-known member
I had a research position over the summer last year. It went so badly (the supervising professor turned out to be kind of crazy and ridiculously demanding) that I left biology entirely and changed my major to mathematics. This woman blamed me for the procedures failing (supposedly for playing the radio and talking to my friend while setting up reactions, although we had permission to listen to the radio and talk), but it turned out the lab water was contaminated with bacteria. I never got an apology or anything. Also, she had me translating scientific papers from French to enter into a database. She got really angry I couldn't finish them-- but I'm not fluent in French! I'm conversational, so translating technical papers was very difficult. There were other incidents too. She upset me so badly on my birthday that I strongly considered dropping out, transferring, or killing her annoying pet parrot. I wound up doing none of those things, and now I view this woman with contempt. There's nothing worse than an abusive or incompetent boss, especially when it spills over to affecting you outside of work.


Well-known member
when i was 17 i worked in a hairdressers helping out

the boss was an insecure middle aged ex anorexic

if people complimented me shed throw in some bitchy comment...

say someone said i had a lovely figure she'd say

'well her thighs could do with toning up'

if someone said i was pretty shed say she doesnt think so and i need more makeup

basically i left after a few months... luckily im a strong person

i just hope shes not bullying more of her trainees even now!


Well-known member
I work at a hospital and I work with a lot of cranky nurses. Some even go so far as to nitpick everything a person does to find something to report them for.

When I first starting working there, they tried to scare me off but since I've been there for almost 2 years, they know that I'm here to stay. LOL.

But believe me, there's been so many times when I was so close to quitting.


Well-known member
I know of someone getting fired from their job for posting something very similar on a public forum, be careful.


Well-known member
yeah i know, but everybody i work with has myspace, so i couldn't blog it, and I don't wanna talk about it to anyone in person especially at work, because it would get me in even more trouble.

hence, faceless strangers on specktra. but i'll probably remove the bulk of it.