Have you had your MAC stolen?


Well-known member
i cant believe how cheeky some people are! it suprises me as mostly its peoples friends who seem to be stealing things. I hardly ever let anyone but my close friends see / use my makeup as iv been stolen from a couple of times before and im too protective over it!

ms. kendra

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Skin*Deep
I had my car broken into once, and they took my makeup bag, probably because it looked like a purse...it had about 1,000 bucks worth of Chanel, Mac, and Clarins makeup in it! I was pretty pissed at the cops when they showed up and wouldnt even dust anything for prints....
they also took a stroller and diaper bag.....effing crackheads.

I would have been devastated!! We invest so much into the things we like, and to have it all taken like that....wow.
For this reason I'm a little paranoid of carrying too much of my "good" makeup in my purse. I usually only carry a few things for touch ups.


Well-known member
My Car yes...My Makeup...never....But hell I can always get a new car


My purse was stolen with a "real doll" l/s in it! of course the purse was a coach with a coach wallet. The purse and wallet were LE items as well as that lipstick which was like trading your first born to get. It was such an awesome shade of pink, hope MAC brings it out again. I even cried on the phone to some MAC rep to no aval, sold out!