Having the urge...too young to have it.


Well-known member
I'm feeling really baby crazy lately, and I can't figure out why. Everytime I see a baby or a show about babies (Bringing Home Baby is dominating my DVR right now), or pregnant ladies, or anything about babies, I swear to god I have a contraction.

How do I make it go away? Do I need to like, babysit a horrible child or witness a painful, complicated birth or something? I'm in no life position to bear children, I can't even afford to feed my dog.


Well-known member
lol I know how you feel. I get the urge sometimes. The hubby gets mad because when he wants to record something the DVR is always full because of my bringing home baby and baby story recordings. He just laughs and says you and your baby shows!


Well-known member
Luckily for me, my boyfriend isn't freaked out by it. Most men would run for the hills if their girlfriend openly expressed happiness and excitement about babies. We've mutually agreed that in a few years, when we're established and ready (whoeven knows when you're "ready") that we'll have a family together. He's even admitted to having a slight fever himself when he sees a cute kid, but jeez louise, this doesn't feel normal lol.


Well-known member
All I can say is fight it...girl....Everytime you get up to leave the house in a hurry....think I couldn't do this if I had a baby...Everytime you want to go hang out with friends ...think...I couldn't do this without finding a sitter....Everytime you are rushing to work...Think...I would be even more rushed if I had a baby...Everytime you want to just crawl in bed and do nothing..Think, I couldn't do this if I had a baby....
Don't get me wrong I am not baby bashing, I love children period......But I think you have plenty of time...enjoy your freedom first.


Well-known member
its weird, i had baby fever off and on thru my 20s, and lo and behold when I DIDN'T have it, is when I got pregnant lol, im 31 now so I feel that I've done whatever it is that Ive wanted to do (which wasnt much cuz i was never the hang out/world traveler to begin with lol) I have accumulated whatever electronic gadget I've wanted to get and I have a HUGE MAC collection so I technically never need any more of it so right now I can focus on shifting all of those funds towards baby items. But if u got time, take the time and shop and shop for yourself and do for you as long as u want to


Well-known member
^^Amen, Tish! Having a baby is a personal decision btwn you and your bf, and only the couple knows when the time is right, but do keep in mind all the things that will change when you have kids. The pregnancy alone will totally change the way your body works. I have friends that just gained weight, but I have another friend who developed serious heart problems, another that got diabetes. My mom's feet spread out permanently when she had her children! lol. But yea pregnancy can be a life threatening experience, there's no guarantee that things are going to go smoothly.

That's not to say you shouldn't consider having a baby ever- none of us would be here if our moms had cared more about their feet or a few extra pounds- so obviously these are risks a mother needs to be willing to take- but only when she's ready and has seriously considered all the risks. It's easy to think babies are cute, and the fact that they're yours, and a mini-me at that, is really attractive- just say goodbye to sleeping in on saturdays and a few other things!


Well-known member
I've really been feeling the same way lately, but I guess some of it has to do with the fact that my niece recently had a baby and he is like the cutest thing. My fiance and I said we'd have one in like 5 years but I'm not really sure I want to wait that long.


Well-known member
I'm VERY broody at the moment!

I think my boyf's scared for when I visit him next mth!

Luckily we're both on the same page when it comes to having kids so I know it's a definite in a couple of yrs and in the meantime I'll just had to coo at other people's babies!


Well-known member
I have been broody since I was about 4, I swear. It's hard to ignore, but the rational part of me knows that this would be horrible timing.


Well-known member
^^^ lmao.
I know how you feel. I'm 18 and i'm like "what do you mean it's hard work?..whatever" then I spend one little day with my cousins kids (1 and 3) and by the end of it, i'm shattered. Then i remember their cute little faces and the stuff that they do, and I fall in love again.

But anyways, it's no issue to me as I have no one in my life to put any babies in me at the moment.

And I want to live, and work out who I am. I can't be a baby having a baby!


Well-known member
See I've never been one of those baby lovers who doesn't realise how hard it is. When I was 14 I was babysitting for 4 kids ages 2-10 overnight, and getting the 4 of them to school the next morning as well as myself. Probably once every week or two weeks for about a year. When my aunt and my little cousins (now almost 2 and 4) come to visit, my aunt doesn't have to do anything, I've got them for the duration of the visit. *sigh* My bf is afraid I`m going to get pregnant accidentally on purpose (although I wouldn`t ever do that). I realise that babysitting isn`t the same as being a parent, but I`ve always had an idea of how hard it would be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
. When I was 14 I was babysitting for 4 kids ages 2-10 overnight, and getting the 4 of them to school the next morning as well as myself.

Umm, wow. At 14? You must be super patient. When I was 14 there was no way in hell I even had the attention span to do all of that!


Well-known member
Yeah. When I was 15 I was the head coach for a gymnastics class of about 8 3-5 year olds. And they listened to me, which is hard when you`re spotting one on the beam and trying to stop the other 7 from running around the gym and getting in the other gymnasts way. I`m really good with little kids.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
I'm feeling really baby crazy lately, and I can't figure out why. Everytime I see a baby or a show about babies (Bringing Home Baby is dominating my DVR right now), or pregnant ladies, or anything about babies, I swear to god I have a contraction. How do I make it go away?

It's normal to feel that way, but please don't allow a 30 minute TV show to influence you one way or another.

Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
Do I need to like, babysit a horrible child or witness a painful, complicated birth or something? I'm in no life position to bear children, I can't even afford to feed my dog.

For me, that would be enough right there. But, do you have friends who are parents? I'll guarantee you they'll say it's not just cute clothes and showing off your kid......unless they're one of those friends who'll tell you to have one because, in reality, they're out of touch with people who don't have one and want company. It truly is a job that never ends, has no time off and no paid holidays. Ofcourse, parenting is also a rewarding experience. But, unless you feel like you can comfortably devote time and not just wing it, manage or get by somehow, you're just hindering your life and ruining another.


Well-known member
^^The dog feeding thing was an exaggeration of course. I have friends who have children, and I always remember that they're all a bit older than I am. It's not that I'm in a rush to grow up and have children, I know the responsibilities and major changes that come with having children. My brother and his gf (now wife) had their first child way young, but they made it. But it hasn't been easy, and I know that's not how I want things to be for me, I don't want my children to have to want for anything or miss out on things because I didn't readily prepare myself to have children.

I think what I'm saying is, while people my age are more concerned with partying and going out and being free, I don't feel the same way. I've always been described as an old soul, sometimes people meet me or talk to me and can't believe I'm as young as I am. While my peers (not friends, all my friends are older) are concerned with cutting loose and having no responsibility, I find myself more concerned with what I need to do to prepare myself for the real stages of adulthood and what it's going to take for me to eventually be prepared for having real responsibilities.

Most girls my age see people with babies or pregnant women and think "Ew, I hope that's not me anytime soon." I think differently about it. But I'm not poking holes in the condom or anything lol, I'm not that baby-crazy. I get the same rush when I see puppies or old people.


Well-known member
^^ Just help friends or family out and babysit while they go out or allow them time away from their kids....This may help...I used to work for a company part time where I would babysit for parents that just needed a date night etc...But I can tell you it did not last long for me...I was over it after about dirty diaper #10 ...Nothing like cleaning a baby's butt that is not your own!


Well-known member
I think i agree with both sides.... I agree that you should enjoy life while you're young enough to do so....but on the other hand who the hell wants to change a babies diaper while somebody has to change yours cause you so old..LOL!!
I had my babies really young and at first I really felt bad because I was 14 with the 1st and 15 with the 2nd, now I'm 28 and they're 13 and 14 and I feel good about my decision. we have a really close relationship and we talk about EVERYTHING because I'm not so old that I'm outta the loop it was only a few years ago that i was doing all the stuff they do now so i feel as though I relate to them and have a better understanding the average parent... Just my opinion though....

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