He can't get over his ex-gf?


Well-known member
So here's the thing..
i know i'm only a teen and i've never had a serious bf before, but there's this guy who i've been talking with for the past few weeks. i don't really have anyone i could ask advice from in my life and thought specktra would be a good place

we've hung out only 3 times mostly because i was busy or already had plans. we talk on msn and on the phone also.
l'd really like to be more than friends with this guy N, but he can't seem to get over/forget his ex gf. he even has her snapshot in his wallet and as his profile picture. he's really sweet(or maybe he's just a sweet talker
and a gentleman (holds heavy stuff for me, open doors, medicine when i'm sick, etc.)
i really don't want to get hurt again and he seems like a flirty type that goes after a lot of girls. what do you think i should i do? :confused: any sort of advice is much appreciated!


Well-known member
I think you should just keep it friendly. Going after someone who is clearly not over their ex is only asking for heartbreak. I suggest just being friends, show him how great of a girl you are & he may see that you are the kind of person he needs...but on the other side of that if he doesn't, then you won't be heartbroken. If you do decide to go after him, just keep in mind that you most likely are the rebound, and don't expect too much


Well-known member
thank you~~

he phones me now and then, it's got me confused because he sends me the message that he does like me but there's the ex gf...mmoohhhh boy troubles =S


Well-known member
Originally Posted by viverr
thank you~~

he phones me now and then, it's got me confused because he sends me the message that he does like me but there's the ex gf...mmoohhhh boy troubles =S

He may like you, but if he's clinging on to the ex's pics/profile, he's not over her yet. Just don't let your guard down, since you don't want to get hurt...matters of the heart are never easy.


Well-known member
STAY AWAY!! STAY AWAY!!! As a boyfriend/girlfriend thing....IMHO guys take a while to get over their first loves. If he is carrying around her picture and stuff...clearly he is not over her. Maybe he is using that thought process of "the best way to forget about the last one is the next one"...i've been there!!!
Yipes! Good luck girl! Keep it friendly with him, give him time, and keep your eyes open still for other hunks


Well-known member
aww thanks guys

i've stopped talking to him because he said and did something that shocked me and i was pretty upset. anyway, i am so staying away from him from now on haha
btw, what is IMHO?
---to hdirenzo, ur getting married?? wow! awww! and congrats!! (i'm pretty sure he's still not over her and trying to get another girl girl for rebound) >
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