He forgot my birthday?!


Well-known member
Okay, so I've been talking about this guy for awhile. We've known eachother since 1st grade, got back in touch six months ago (after being apart for 8 years). We spent time getting to know eachother. Materialistically, he didn't have much to offer. No job, no diploma, no car. He also is a recovering coke addict. I looked past all of that, because I wanted to see <i>him</i> for who he really is, and not for what he has/or doesn't have, and what he has done in the past.

Things were great between us. He hasn't called me in four days. He told me he was going to do some work to get money for my birthday, so he could take me out. That was four days ago. He hasn't called me since. And today is my birthday, and he never called. Not even to say 'happy birthday'. It's so unlike him. I could expect this from anybody, but never from him.

I don't know what to do. I can't believe he would do this. Lately, he's been dealing with depression and he told me he was craving drugs lately. So now I don't know what's going to happen. He would constantly say that I could get better, but he knows that he could never find better than me. To be honest, I agree 100%.

When it finally is convenient for him to call, I don't know what to do. A million things are running through my mind. Did he go back to drugs? Did he find another girl? He has always been so honest with me, and never shady. I'm very suspicious of people, but I've never had a reason to be. He has always told me things up front, and never hid them. He has even told me some truths that I would rather not hear, but he always told me whatever I asked about and he would even offer up some important information about his past. I just don't understand. I've been single and jaded for the past 3 years. I finally decided to open up again, and try...and now this. I never would have seen this coming.

I'm just so sad. I've spent my 19th birthday crying on and off all day, and listening to Celine Dion.


Well-known member
its not you its him. he is going through something right now and as much as you may be feeling him, he just needs a friend. be there for him as to prevent your friend from harming himself. even though its your bday and it would have been nice for him to acknowledge it, think of all the people who did-don't let his mistake ruin your day, besides you can really party hard when its your 21st


Well-known member
Don't be so hard on yourself. Keep in mind the situation you have opened up to. I don't pretend to understand the mind of an addict or depression, but that's a lot to open up to, let alone create a relationship with. Don't feel like you have to let this go because of what he is going through, call him on it and tell him how you feel and how he totally dropped the ball. Then ask him what happened and how you can help. Wow, this is tricky...because you don't want to make him feel bad because of the depression, but you can't let him off the hook either. Keep us posted and lots of love to you


Well-known member
don't let this guy ruin your birthday...my best friends didn't even call to tell me happy birthday - my DAD even forgot, and even when mum and I asked him why, he still didn't acknowledge it, and my feelings were hurt worse than before. so it could be a LOT worse.


Well-known member
Well I think that this guy will only bring you down. I have been there, I know! I think you should try and be friends, but until someone is okay with themself they can hardly be okay in a relationship. He needs to clear up his head and in the meantime I wouldn't get too close because it will only lead to worry and dissappointment. xx


Well-known member
It sounds like a rollercoaster. If you're not prepared for that in a relationship, honestly, I'd move on and keep this guy as a friend of aquaintance. Instability can leave to a lot of problems in a relationship...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
There's a chance he fell off the wagon, unfortunately.

It sounds like he has his own demons and issues to fight. I can't tell you want to do, but you want to be with him enough that you will tolerate and understand what he's going through?