Head rushes... I mean, I get them A LOT.


Well-known member
yeh when i get up ;quick' i just mean normal speed but like as if im not ready if you get me? i dont know its hard to explain!

it happened one time when i was having a hot bath, i got out must have stood up too quick and i almost fainted


Well-known member
^^Oh yeah, hot baths can really make you dizzy if you stay in them too long. That's why you can't stay in jacuzzis for more than half an hour or something like that.

And yeah, what you said makes more sense now.

I'm going to see if changing my diet a little helps me improve.


Well-known member
Ugh...I hate that your having them so much
I usually get them when I stand up too fast or when I get out of bed too fast in the morning...It pisses me off lol


Well-known member
Yeah, I hate them too, it's a constant thing for me. Everytime I'm about to get up, I hope and wish and everything that I don't get one.

But I get one.

So for now, I'll change up my diet and eat more often and see if that helps. If it doesn't help.. I'll go see a doctor then.


Well-known member
I have that too. It's because I have low blood pressure. it sucks.. and I feel tired all the time
and if I wake up in the morning and get out of bed immediately, I feel like i'm about to throw up and faint. lol. I have to wake up very slowly.. it's terrible :'( sometimes I just eat a little packet of sugar. that helps


Well-known member
I went through something very similar last summer.
Mine was caused by not getting enough sugar.
Usually eating a spoonful of peanut butter right after would make me feel as good as new.
Hope everything turns out okay!


Well-known member
i get head rushes ALLLL the time. i just have low blood pressure. like last time i went it was around 95/45. the doctor thought the blood pressure machine was broken. theres nothing you can really do, just try to be healthy and deal with it. i figure its better to have low blood pressure than high!


Well-known member
oh god is that ben mckenzie in your avatar?
just to let you know what happened to me today.. I ate my cereal at 10 a.m lol and I was busy all day, driving around and running errands. I couldn't eat, and I got home at 5p.m... I looked in the mirror I was pale and yellow.. I sat on a chair, ate a little bit of pasta.. when I got up I couldnt see anything. I couldnt even see the chair to sit again.. I really thought I was going to faint right there. I was so stupid, I didnt stop a minute during the entire day, not even to eat. I will never do this again


I had this a lot in my teens and read that it can be due to dehydration. After that I started making sure I drank plenty of water and never let myself get thirsty and the head-rushes went away completely. I sometimes get them again if I forget to carry a drink round with me...

Probably best to go to the doctors just to be on the safe side though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sonnebutti
oh god is that ben mckenzie in your avatar?
just to let you know what happened to me today.. I ate my cereal at 10 a.m lol and I was busy all day, driving around and running errands. I couldn't eat, and I got home at 5p.m... I looked in the mirror I was pale and yellow.. I sat on a chair, ate a little bit of pasta.. when I got up I couldnt see anything. I couldnt even see the chair to sit again.. I really thought I was going to faint right there. I was so stupid, I didnt stop a minute during the entire day, not even to eat. I will never do this again

Sounds like you got a case of anaemia or low blood pressure chicka! try eating more red meats and drinking heaps of water

Mary Jensen

New member
my constant head rushes ended up being partial focus seizures. Many people have different forms of epilepsy and don't know it. Early treatment can prevent it from getting worse.


Well-known member
I also get that frequently! Mostly because of my blood pressure. I have been checked out for just about everything in the past year (blood work, regular check up, eye doctor, and such) and I am pretty darn healthy. My doctor told me not to worry and to try some of the things that others suggested. It can feel pretty icky though, especially if I have been crouching down and stand up quick.


Oo glad I found this thread. My husband has this probably 99% of the time he goes from sitting to standing. I feel like it's gotten worse recently too. Time to insist on a trip to the doctor I think.


Well-known member
Try eating breakfast / meals lol you probably are ready to faint / pass out .I have passed out / went unconcious before and what you described are some of the symptoms I feel right before I go unconcious.I would say drink plenty of fluids and eat if your not eating enough try having a snack or something when you feel faint / dizzy.
Just wanted to let you know when I was in high school my friend had the same problem. But she was watching her weight and eating so little! So try to eat a bit more? Especially since you are probably burning all of the calories w exercise! c:
Take care.

I eat about as much as you and am 5'2 and weigh 100lbs. But I don't exercise so I keep all that energy for the day.

EDIT: I just now realize I'm a few years late! lol