Health Food... maybe...


Well-known member
So once a week I go to a healthfood store that's fifteen minutes out of my way to buy things the staff doesn't stock in the kitchens (like organics, teas, fruits, etc..) and I ALWAYS buy more than I need.

Like I'll go in for mangoes, whole oatmeal, organic noodles, and misc. teas. But I'll come out with mangoes, blood oranges, whole oatmeal, organic coconut cookies, organic noodles, misc. teas and orangina.

Anyone else ever end up buying more stuff in health food stores than in regular food stores? Why?

Is it because of the "health" aspect that we don't feel guilty?
Or do the orangina and vegetarian chocolate chip cookies just look really good?


Well-known member
I think it's because organic food tastes sooo much better than processed food. I've never turned down an organic coconut cookie (my fave!!!
), but I've turned down plenty of out-of-the-package cookies.

And, of course, the fact that I don't feel like I have to run a marathon afterwards is always nice.


Well-known member
I do the same! I live next to three organic stores (yay Austin!) and my shopping is slowly converting to that way. Everything just tastes better when I make it with holistic food and I like to think they take more pride in their store and everything is fresh. I think it's worth the extra 10-20 a week I spend at my local health food store.

I think it may be because everything I buy just feels "right" like a great choice- even the junk food seems ok.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Everything tastes good and health food stores house exotic foods, so you're curious to try.

I always go with a list, so I generally don't over buy


Well-known member
There was a study recently released that those "fruity cocktails" are considered health food hehe...

Drinks anyone?


Well-known member
Yes and honestly it's because everything looks/smells/tastes better from a health food store... it's impossible to go in and avoid all those yummy and good for you treats! My addiction is grinding my own peanut butter from my local store YUM!


Well-known member
Vegetarian chocolate chip cookies?? yeah .. I like my c.C cookies meatless

you mean Vegan?

I get tons of stuff at our heath food store too.. although just because its there doesnt mean its not junk food. theres PLENTY of junk at health food stores. although, i try and steer clear of organic stuff.. i read bad things about it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Vegetarian chocolate chip cookies?? yeah .. I like my c.C cookies meatless

You mean vegan?

Well, if a cookie is made with something like lard or has marshmallows (gelatin) then it wouldn't technically have meat but it'd still not fit the most general description of vegetarian.

How people make vegan cookies just boggles my mind. There are so many alternative ways of cooking! I love it (though I have yet to find a milk-less, egg-less cookie that tastes very good.

As for what you were saying, Emma_Frost, I do the same thing. I go into Trader Joe's or Sprouts or Whole Foods intending to buy 1 block of cheese or 1 bottle of herbs and walk out with a whole bunch of random things. And usually, they're not even things that can be put together and eaten, but just misc. items I thought looked tasty as I walked around. Hahaha. It kinda sucks though, because organic-type stores usually have more expensive food! Dang.


Well-known member
I don't tend to buy much from the health food store; I get whole flax seed and other grains from there. I hardly ever buy organic from the grocery store. The only organic I buy is from local farmers, and this mango pop stuff.
I'm totally pro-GE foods partially because my sister works in that field but I feel that they can solve many of the food crisis around the world. I've done a lot of research and have debated both sides. But heh I'm not going to stop anyone from eating organic if they won't stop me from eating GE.

Oh and Orangina is sold everywhere here, corner stores, restaurents and grocery. I think the only place that doesn't have it is the health food store lol

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Vegetarian chocolate chip cookies?? yeah .. I like my c.C cookies meatless

Vegetarian is often substituted for the word "vegan" since many vegetarians are not vegan but won't eat gelatin/gelatin-based products (comes from animal bones) or eggs.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
There's ovu-lacto vegetarians, which are the ones who eat eggs, drink milk, and use animal derived products.

There are ovu vegetarians, who don't consume dairy

There are lacto vegetarians who don't consume eggs.

And there are also sorts of deviations from there. Like I won't use leather, animal tested products, or eat gelatin, but I'm technically vegetarian, because I consume some stuff with eggs and dairy.

I think there are levels within veganism, too, but I'm not as familiar with them. I just know some won't eat refined sugar.

Some places just label stuff vegetarian instead of vegan. I'm not sure why, unless the product contains honey or something like that.