Heath Ledger found dead.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
i just read that there are antigay organizations that are protesting his funeral because of his role in Brokeback mountain. im absolutely disgusted.


Well-known member
Re: Heath Ledger dead.

Originally Posted by Shimmer
He was surrounded by pills, according to some reports.

Even if it was an accidental overdose, it's still a ridiculously irresponsible thing to do...imbibe like that when one is a parent.

Indeed. There's a reason why a prescribed amount is given.

Initially, I was mostly upset because it was so shocking and I was just hoping he had at least finished Batman first.

It just kind of hit me not too long ago that a little girl doesn't have her father here anymore.

Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
i just read that there are antigay organizations that are protesting his funeral because of his role in Brokeback mountain. im absolutely disgusted.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Phelps family there. Fucking bigots.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
Re: Heath Ledger dead.

Originally Posted by j_absinthe

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Phelps family there. Fucking bigots.

it is Phelps actually. (godhatesgays.com ?)
a FUNERAL is NOT the place to spread your hate


Well-known member
I just heard this news as i woke up this morning and i am seriously shocked. Its so sad. I love his movies esp 10 things i hate about you (i know its an early one).
The tragedy is a young man has lost his life and the chance to see the life of his young daughter blossom. So sad for all the family and friends left behind x


Well-known member
Re: Heath Ledger dead.

Originally Posted by Kuuipo
The trouble with prescription sleeping pills and tranquilizers are that they cause amnesia and the user forgets that they took a dose, sleeps a little and takes additional doses while in a "blackout". People who take zolpidem (ambien) have been known to binge eat while "sleeping" (on things that may not even be edible as well) sleepwalk or drive. Mixing alcohol with these medications also depress the central nervous system and the respiration center in the brain that controls breathing. If a person has undiagnosed apnea (pauses in breathing while asleep), takes tranquilizers, pain medications and alcohol the result can be anoxia (can damage the brain or result in death in some cases).

that is so true
i've seen first hand the amnesia effects of zolpidem... and it is scary as hell dealing with a person in that state, especially when they've already overdosed a bit because they couldn't remember how many they'd taken and taken more. i've had to sit up all night with someone, waking them up every hour (on doctor's orders) because they'd overdosed. i was told not to call an ambulance unless i couldn't rouse them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
i just read that there are antigay organizations that are protesting his funeral because of his role in Brokeback mountain. im absolutely disgusted.

that's so wrong
i feel a bit sick now..god..
They ruled it was an accidental overdose of I think sleeping pills. He had been taking them for a a short amount of time but they started to lose affect on him so he'd take more. He had an interview with the new york post a several weeks back and he talked about it. Its so sad though...hard to believe. He was so talented.


Well-known member
Here is all of the news as it has been coming out on TMZ

Posts from the Heath Ledger Category at TMZ.com - Entertainment News, Celebrity Gossip and Hollywood Rumors

They said the autopsy is scheduled for today so we will know by tonight, I'm sure. The newest article says the pills that were "scattered" around his body were IN containers, and in the medicine cabinet + other rooms, not literally around his body. It's terrible how the media uses certain words to make you think the worst of things, they have such power that they abuse with simple words and phrases. There was one pill container on the night stand, that's hardly scattered, his death was much less graphic than they portray, they are ruling an 'accidental overdose'.. Such a tragedy, I feel so sorry for his family.


Well-known member
Well yet again the media is having a field day with many speculations. He was found with PRESCRIPTION medication for sleeping problems he had during filming, I hate how the media state "drugs" and not medication. He was NOT in MK's apartment he was in his own.

I really feel sorry for his family and his young daughter, being an Aussie myself he's been somebody I've admired and have been proud to say he's an Australian 'export'. I loved the movies Two Hands and 10 things I hate about you, he was an amazing actor.
I personally do not believe it was a suicide because he loved his daughter so much, and I cannot imagine him doing anything that would remotely harm her.

Unfortunately people die everyday and not until the autopsy and coroners report will I believe a word that is released by the media. Just because there were prescription pills near him doesn't mean they played a part in his death. Gee if I was to pass away now people would think I had a medication problem because my top draw is full on medication from paracetamol to valium.

Sorry for the rant, I feel very passionate about protecting his integrity and giving him the benefit of the doubt. He's no Lindsay or Britney.


I heard on the news that he was having trouble sleeping. So sad though, I was shocked when I heard about it.


Well-known member
Paramnesia, he was an addict. He WAS a known drug abuser. Not user, *abuser*. He was known, across the industry, as a coke fiend.
Just because someone's got a prescription for medication doesn't mean that person isn't / won't abuse it.
He was a phenomenal actor, there's no arguing that. He was also a drug addict, and, I'd be hard pressed to believe that he'd been clean for the year people are saying he was.
I'm not impugning the man's integrity, nor am I arguing his talent.
However, your statement that you don't believe he would do anything to harm his daughter...
Just by being addicted to cocaine and heroine, he harmed his daughter. Just by being addicted to drugs and therefore unable to maintain a stable relationship with Matilda's mother, he harmed his daughter.

It's sad, and it's tragic that such talent was lost in such a horrible fashion at such an early age, but he wasn't a hero, a martyr, or a saint. He was flawed like anyone else.


Well-known member
I know he was flawed, I just dislike the way the media manipulates situations like this to get readers. I never said he wasn't a drug user, from what I've heard he had gotten clean (from producers and directors who worked with him) which for his and his family's sake I hope is true. Either way, nobody can assume that the medication found in his apartment played any part in his death, till the coroner says so.
I don't think he killed himself because of statements he has made to the media in the past.

Everybody has the right to have their own opinion and that's mine. Doesn't make it right nor does it make it wrong.

Ultimately a family has lost a brother, a son and a father prematurely.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm waiting to hear a solid response as to reasons... I never saw this one coming, because FWIW, I thought Heath Ledger had a great life and seemed stable, unlike Britney. Then again, no one saw the Owen Wilson suicide attempt coming.

Although suicide is a "selfish" thing to do, particularly when one has a child, if it turns out to be intentional suicide, I feel more sorry for him than anger or resentment. Being in a a state of mind for suicide is scary, and it isn't rational at all. Sometimes, the person thinks they're doing the world and their loved ones a favor.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jennifer Mcfly
were any of you there...do any of you know him personally....

All speculation does is tarnish a person's image and further it hurts those who are mourning the death of a loved one. I know this is an age of celebrity worship, but when it comes to celebrity deaths, the media should leave well enough alone and update only with the cause of death. Let the man rest in peace with his dignity.

Sound Of Vision

Well-known member


Burn in hell motherf***ers!!! And you call yourself 'holy' people, God's children...assholes. I'd love more worst fag ever, than any of you.

If there's God, there will be no mercy for you.

I can't believe this shit. Just...rage, rage inside me. Seeing something like this, makes me commit one of the mortal sins. And I'm not religious, so I don't give a damn. I wish I believed in God, so I'd know that they WILL be punished. If there is fair judgment...

These people are sick - they should be locked up in some institution. Aaaaargh!

I still can't believe it. Just can't.
I wish it's some stupid prank and everything will go back to normal. Totally surreal.


And after reading some comments here and there, I must say: it doesn't matter how he died, and was he drug user, whether you liked him or not. Young man is dead. It's tragic thing.
And comparing him with other celebrities, he was 'normal', O.K. person.

I wish people would respect this moment, and stop gossiping and judging around like it's something entertaining.

Like we say here: "All best about dead ones."


Well-known member
Those people don't believe in the Bible (not really), nor are they endorsed by any Baptist organization in the world.
They're scum.

Sound Of Vision

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Those people don't believe in the Bible (not really), nor are they endorsed by any Baptist organization in the world.
They're scum.

I know!!! What's in their heads!!?? I can't understand it!? What do they have from this?! They make me sick. They should be kept away from the people.

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