Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Now I'm not so sure, but I'm really interested in the idea that heaven isn't 100% perfect, that you can get lonely and filled with people running around in white clothing in naturey settings.
My fictional heaven was more of a city, than some garden.
Problem with the whole, "you'll be reuinted with those who have gone b4" n stuff in the kingdom of God. Could you imagine having to have a conversation with the guy from like the the early early early times? Would we even be able to communicate? Think your parents have a hard time using a PC? Imagine the guy who tanned hides for a living back in like 500 A.D. LOL...
Or as residents of heaven are we forced to keep pace with the modern times and continualy be learning? Where does heaven get it's inventions from? Do they come as they are invented on earth? Or does god invent them? You'd assume that they would at least have the type of technology thats avail on earth.
Not to mention the billions of people...
Do we get anything? Like a car? Or maybe a bus pas? A redbull?
The idea of heaven just doesn't seem logistically possible if your trying to make it into something "human." Are diff parts of heaven in different time periods because of when people died? Are children who died, stuck as children in heaven for eternity? Or do they grow up? Same with old people, do you look old? Seems to me that an eternity looking like my grandmother would be hell in itself, even if I was in heaven. Dont think so? I guarentee anyone who was going to be alive (relatively speaking) would be so upset, the moment they saw the young hot girl who died in her 20's, who gets to spend eternity in heaven looking good. So those who died young and in their prime, would have a better life in heaven than those who died old. And if you can't make yourself look as young as you wish, can children make themselves appear older? Or would this conflict with parents who were hoping to see their children who died before them, if when they got to heaven, their little boy was a man. Or would you be ok with having a toddler for eternity?