

Well-known member
I've not read that book, but it sounds like something I might pick up if I weren't so busy with my 6 month old :p I don't have any beliefs one way or the other about heaven, though I certainly hope that it exists, or the Christian ideal of it, anyway. My father was killed 20 years ago, and my mother never remarried. She passed away unexpectedly this past Summer, and it gives me great peace to think that she is reunited with my father. Other than that I have adopted a "wait and see" attitude about the afterlife


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
I've not read that book, but it sounds like something I might pick up if I weren't so busy with my 6 month old :p I don't have any beliefs one way or the other about heaven, though I certainly hope that it exists, or the Christian ideal of it, anyway. My father was killed 20 years ago, and my mother never remarried. She passed away unexpectedly this past Summer, and it gives me great peace to think that she is reunited with my father. Other than that I have adopted a "wait and see" attitude about the afterlife

Believe it or not it is a pretty good book. I'm the biggest book snob.

It has all the good things in it- murder, sex, lies, everything. You gotta get past begats though. After a while your wondering what the point is the begats? But its really good if you read it as a part of literature or whatever. It's one of those classics things. Sort of like a tale of two cities


Well-known member
i think this is getting a little off-topic...

sooooo anywho... i agree with medusalox and mzcelaneous about some of the stuff they said up there ^^^^^^

but i also think your own personal heaven and hell are what you make them...

so it IS a wait and see thing for me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
but i also think your own personal heaven and hell are what you make them...

so it IS a wait and see thing for me

i think we create our own heaven & hell based on how we perceive goodness/badness.


Well-known member
I hope that my heaven will have Star Trek, MASH, King of the Hill, the Simpsons and a little Little House on the Prarie

24 hours a day-and of course- out in the middle of nowhere

I do agree- heaven is very personal


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ..kels*
i think we create our own heaven & hell based on how we perceive goodness/badness.

What is living on earth, is actually what Hell is?


Well-known member
Raerae-your right-I apologize for any embarresment that may have caused. But to be fair- it was in a 2 minute time span
Anyway-I just wanted to have a clear understanding that's all.

What closed? The thread? Nah theres still some stuff to say about heaven- I'm sure.


Well-known member
Shall I irritate non-believers with more bible verses?

Read 2 Cor 4:8-10, 16-18, 5:7, 15:21.

Actually, going to Heaven will finally be about ME ME ME. If only God can fill the void of my heart in this world, imagine how it's going to be when I dwell in his kingdom. The 'myth' of Jesus is already hard to topple for some, so it'll be next to impossible for anyone to understand the notion of salvation and least of all, the love of God for us.

I was in that place before.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
i was raised as a christian but lately i'm not quite sure how i feel about religion. im still trying to figure it out

however, i can say this: my grandfather's sister was terribly sick and was in a coma for about two weeks straight. one day, out of nowhere, she sat up in her hospital bed, her eyes got really wide and she exclaimed "WOW!" at that very moment, she died. she was a devoted christian.

i mention that because hey, she must've been amazed at what she saw.

im with you on this, i too was raised a christian but lately i dont know how i feel about religion either
but i do belive in god most definently and i belive our spirit lives after we die but i dont know if its a heaven or hell, i would like to think there is a heaven that our love ones go to and where we will see them again, i think it gives us comfort in the unknown and mystery of death..


Well-known member
i do believe in god too, but am a little iffy on the bible...

i can say though that my ideal "heaven" would consist of being with my loved ones, having an endless supply of mac, chocolate and sappy love movies :p and of course specktra
so i guess i'm already here!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jinsy
Shall I irritate non-believers with more bible verses?

I dont think it was your Bible verse that got anyone irritated. The bible has great stores and lessons in it about life.

I also recommend Harry Potter.


Well-known member
thanks, glad to hear that

yup, one might be able to draw parallel values (about life or religion)from HP


Well-known member
i'm not really decided on the whole issue of religion and whether or not i believe in a Heaven, Hell, God, Devil, etc.

but i'd imagine that Heaven would be rather lonely, because you always leave someone and something behind when you die. but i guess it would be nice to watch things happen from afar...well, the bad things. it would kind of suck to miss the good things. but in theory, your soul can still be there for the good things right? or at least, your presence?

that didn't make much sense, did it? it's 3:13 AM. i need to go ni ni hahaha!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
When I was little and sort of believing the Bible, I thought you'd gain some kind of wisdom or knowledge that would make the pain of missing the people and things you left behind go away or lessen it. When I thought of heaven, I didn't think it would be possible to be lonely, for some reason, because my ideal world wouldn't have loneliness, like most people's. I thought somehow it would be easier to digest the bad in the world, too, because you'd somehow gain knowledge about it happens.

Now I'm not so sure, but I'm really interested in the idea that heaven isn't 100% perfect, that you can get lonely and filled with people running around in white clothing in naturey settings.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Now I'm not so sure, but I'm really interested in the idea that heaven isn't 100% perfect, that you can get lonely and filled with people running around in white clothing in naturey settings.

My fictional heaven was more of a city, than some garden.

Problem with the whole, "you'll be reuinted with those who have gone b4" n stuff in the kingdom of God. Could you imagine having to have a conversation with the guy from like the the early early early times? Would we even be able to communicate? Think your parents have a hard time using a PC? Imagine the guy who tanned hides for a living back in like 500 A.D. LOL...

Or as residents of heaven are we forced to keep pace with the modern times and continualy be learning? Where does heaven get it's inventions from? Do they come as they are invented on earth? Or does god invent them? You'd assume that they would at least have the type of technology thats avail on earth.

Not to mention the billions of people...

Do we get anything? Like a car? Or maybe a bus pas? A redbull?

The idea of heaven just doesn't seem logistically possible if your trying to make it into something "human." Are diff parts of heaven in different time periods because of when people died? Are children who died, stuck as children in heaven for eternity? Or do they grow up? Same with old people, do you look old? Seems to me that an eternity looking like my grandmother would be hell in itself, even if I was in heaven. Dont think so? I guarentee anyone who was going to be alive (relatively speaking) would be so upset, the moment they saw the young hot girl who died in her 20's, who gets to spend eternity in heaven looking good. So those who died young and in their prime, would have a better life in heaven than those who died old. And if you can't make yourself look as young as you wish, can children make themselves appear older? Or would this conflict with parents who were hoping to see their children who died before them, if when they got to heaven, their little boy was a man. Or would you be ok with having a toddler for eternity?