Hello London


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I'm going to college XDDD

Cambridge University. But I have to live in London.

My grandparents are letting me occupy their other home in Chelsea as long as I'm in college. I am going to be taking the rail to school since it's only a half hour to forty five minute commute.

Is there anything major I need to know about living in London (or going to school at Cambridge)?
Like what I should bring from Oslo that's cheaper there, anything to shop for make-up wise etc..

Moving there mid August.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
I'm going to college XDDD

Cambridge University. But I have to live in London.

My grandparents are letting me occupy their other home in Chelsea as long as I'm in college. I am going to be taking the rail to school since it's only a half hour to forty five minute commute.

Is there anything major I need to know about living in London (or going to school at Cambridge)?
Like what I should bring from Oslo that's cheaper there, anything to shop for make-up wise etc..

Moving there mid August.

Daily commute from London to Cambridge is going to be hella-expensive... it's around £24 per day for a return trip (you can check it on www.thetrainline.co.uk), and it's 45 minutes to an hour from Kings Cross Station to the station in Cambridge. Chelsea is on the other side of London, so you'd have to commute to Kings Cross first, adding at least another half an hour to your commute if you have a 9am class, for example. That adds on the cost of a travelcard to travel via the Underground, if you buy them monthly. I'd estimate you'd have to leave Chelsea around 7am to get to your 9am class because you can't always rely on the Underground to not shut down and need to re-route your journey, or just normal busy peak periods that mean your commute can double.

Also, if you're an undergrad at Cambridge, there is a specific ordinance that you have to live within a certain distance, something like 12 1/2 to 25 miles, of Great St Mary's Church. They don't want you to live miles away commuting. Which college are you attending? You should be able to get cheap accommodation within the college you're attending, and it would make money last longer, and a social life easier for you. Generally speaking, if you attend Cambridge Uni as an undergrad, you go into London to go clubbing or shopping, and you don't commute from London because it's expensive and takes between 3-4 hours a day for commuting.

Is there a particular reason why you'd have to live in London? Is it a financial incentive?


Well-known member
Hey, I live in Camden...London is amazing for shopping as you will find out
I go to the Pro Store in West Soho, the girls there are so sweet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
Daily commute from London to Cambridge is going to be hella-expensive... it's around £24 per day for a return trip (you can check it on www.thetrainline.co.uk), and it's 45 minutes to an hour from Kings Cross Station to the station in Cambridge. Chelsea is on the other side of London, so you'd have to commute to Kings Cross first, adding at least another half an hour to your commute if you have a 9am class, for example. That adds on the cost of a travelcard to travel via the Underground, if you buy them monthly. I'd estimate you'd have to leave Chelsea around 7am to get to your 9am class because you can't always rely on the Underground to not shut down and need to re-route your journey, or just normal busy peak periods that mean your commute can double.

Also, if you're an undergrad at Cambridge, there is a specific ordinance that you have to live within a certain distance, something like 12 1/2 to 25 miles, of Great St Mary's Church. They don't want you to live miles away commuting. Which college are you attending? You should be able to get cheap accommodation within the college you're attending, and it would make money last longer, and a social life easier for you. Generally speaking, if you attend Cambridge Uni as an undergrad, you go into London to go clubbing or shopping, and you don't commute from London because it's expensive and takes between 3-4 hours a day for commuting.

Is there a particular reason why you'd have to live in London? Is it a financial incentive?

I'm not allowed to live in anything co-ed. It's my parents rule, not mine. I have no specific budget, so that hasn't been a big issue, if I need money I just ask my parents. I've been able to bypass the ordinance on location. But even the admissions official I spoke to suggested living closer to the campus.

But it's hard to pass up a townhouse, free of rent, no roommates, all to myself. I'll have to see what else is in the Cambridge area if the commute is as long as you suggested.

I'm going to Trinity Hall, Cambridge. I'm used to getting up at around 5 am for classes (I did a one and a half hour commute to Uni when I went to secondary school in the US, so I could take my Russian classes).