

Hello! I'm finally done lurking and ready to jump into the swing of things. I have recently discovered MAC by many suggestions from my friends. I went to a store and found that the girls were so helpful and was hooked from the get go.

I have a very small stash because I am a poor college student, but I'm finding ways to add things here and there.

I have e/s in Paradisco and Swimming, Lipglass in VGV, and Studio Fix, and one eyeshadow brush. Yes, very small, but I love how the eyeshadow colors really make my blue eyes pop.

My favorite threads to lurk on are the Face of the Days because I didn't relize that there were so many combinations that you could do. I want to say that everyone looks absolutely fabulous in each and every picture. :thumbsup:

Okay, thats it for now, its after 1 am and even though I can't begin to fall asleep I should at least try.