help! Job Fair Interview/demo vs. Personal Store Interview/Demo


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help! Job Fair Interview/demo vs. Personal Store Interview/Demo

Hi everyone! there's a big job fair tomorrow that I just found out about and I'm really thinking about going. I had applied personally a couple years ago in Macys but didn't get a call back when I really thought I nailed my interview, so I kind of gave up on finally getting in. But when I read about this I started thinking about giving it another shot. Here's the thing, I literally have TODAY to prepare and I have forgotten so much. Can someone tell me the difference with the job fair interviews and demos? Is it more of a group interview where they just ask the group questions and whoever answers first gets the recognition? Or do they take each person in individually? Do the questions differ in job fair interviews than they do in regular personal interviews? Such as being shorter, less questions, focused more on MAC history/company, or more personal based? They didn't say anything about wearing all black but should I anyway? I'm really more worried about the demo if I get called back bc I think I remember reading a story a while back here about someone who went to a group demo and had everyone running to go pick out their products! If I remember correctly, it was a free for all and she was left with slim to nothing to choose from. That's so nerve racking! What about brushes? Are they available for you there or do they make you bring your own? Are they sanitized for you and ready to go if they have them? I really have issues with knowing the numbers of brushes sine all of mine are so old the numbers have literally disappeared on them. Is it extremely important to know them? If anyone has been to a job fair type interview or demo PLEASE give me some tips. Especially with what I should really brush up on(no pun intended haha), or refresh my memory with! I'm still debating on whether to go or not. Thanks!


Active member
i feel your pain here!!! i just found out about TODAYS Career Call last night (not sure if thats the same as the Job Fairs) The manager at the MAC store that i frequent told me that i didnt need to bring anything but my resume....however im looking at other peoples experiences on here and they had to bring models...which i cant find on 3 hours notice :( i brought my brushes just in case but im kinda freaking that they wont consider me at all because i was told that i didnt need a model.

What was your experience like? Any tips or anything you can give?



Well-known member
I had my group demo interview yesterday; (it was a really positive experience, super challenging but really fun). I would tell you all about it, but to my knowledge, a demo interview is the 2nd step in the MAC interview process. Before being invited to demo interview, you are usually required to have had a previous one-on-one verbal interview with a MAC regional recruiter or counter manager first. It is usually standard with all cosmetic "job fair"/group interviews (no matter what company) that you have to be "invited", where your name is on a list in the day and time slot you choose. They check you in when you arrive at the door. I'm not sure that you can just "find out about it" and go on in. That would be sorta awkward if you were standing at the door and the executive was like "Your name please? :)" And you were like "Suzy Q, :)" And they were like "I'm sorry I don't see you on our list...did you bring your confirmation email?" "Ummm...I...didn't get one, I was just told about this opportunity by the counter manager at my MAC counter and he/she suggested I stop by. I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to bring a model on such short notice." Not very professional. These demo interviews are extremely organized and highly competitive; there's like 40 girls a day (approx 15-20 in each session) who have been invited that are vying for only a couple open positions. They probably aren't going to let someone in off the street who hasn't jumped through all the hoops and gone through the process like the other gals have. Know what I mean?

If I were you guys, I would go back to your home store MAC counter, drop off your resume (on thick, legal length resume paper...get it printed at Staples!) and ask the manager or third key for their region's recruiter's email address. Contact your regional recruiter via email expressing your interest in a position with MAC and attach your resume in PDF form. If she doesn't get back to you that week, write another email to her.

P.s. if/when you do receive an invite for a demo interview, you simply must bring a model...the whole point of the demo interview process is to see how you interact with a client and how comfortable you are applying makeup on someone.