Help keep my occupied!!


Well-known member
Well , I am pretty much confined to my bed seeing as how I cant walk due to my 'traumatic' ankle injury. No one is home during the day , All I have is my TV, My laptop and my Ipod.
Does anyone have any suggestions to other sites to keep my occupied during this time ? Games, Good reading, etc etc! Im desperate for things to do!!
or Recommend good books or other things I can do while sitting in bed?

I've got some scrapbooking things to do . other than that I've been watching Food Network television and making myself hungry all day .. I wish Paula Dean Was my personal chef... Id weigh like 1000 pounds by the time I finally get outta bed. lol

Thanks in Advance Ladies !! Every suggestion is greatly appreciated!
hrm do you ever visit the gossip sites?

are a few i could name off.

Also if youre extremely bored you could always fill out some test. Purity test, IQ test, Bitch test etc. Only site i could really thing of this is

hope that relieves some boredom


Well-known member
A site that doesn't take much time to look at but is fun is

I also love playing Sodoku! And YouTube is always entertaining!

Hope you get better soon!


Well-known member
Facebook is lots of fun, if you like finding out stuff about people.

Overheard in New York is a hilarious quotes website of random things people overhear in the city.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by faifai
Facebook is lots of fun, if you like finding out stuff about people.

Overheard in New York is a hilarious quotes website of random things people overhear in the city.

haha!! that site is hilarious! thank you

this one is funny because , its something I might say

Chick: When I say I'm not hungry what I mean is I just want to eat the icing off something.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
you should get someone to rent you some movies from block buster
hope you get better soon.

Man! I did that, and I found out my dvd player doesn't freaking work anymore (its pretty old.. ) I was so bummed!


Well-known member

and search for dramatic reading berakup letter.
you will piss in your pants funny!