help me! (about empty jars)


Well-known member
Ok, so Im trying to order some empty sample jars from sunburst company, and I placed my order on 5ml jars. and i tried to figure out how many times if that is close to 5gr jars??? I even asked them n they said they dont know???? please help someone... i dont get this whole 5ml thing.


Well-known member
Do a search on Ebay-- I just put in "5 ml jars" and a seller stated they hold about a teaspoon. There'll be pictures so it should give you an idea--to me they look similar though I ordered 5g could be wonky but obviously they are both small so I think they'll be close if not identical.

I always wondered why they referred to them as 5g jars, is that referring to the weight of the jar itself? *shrug* saying how much it could hold made more sense to me .


Well-known member
In liquid volume 5ml is one teaspoon. I have some 10g jars of mineral makeup and they look to be about a heaping tablespoon of powder so I'd say a 5ml jar should hold 5g of powder product adequately.

I think the reason they use grams instead of ml is because ml is a liquid measurement and grams is dry weight. Usually one is putting dry product into the jars so using dry weight makes sense.