Help me decide btwn these MF mascaras!


Well-known member
After MUA, here and numerous searches I am torn btwn lash perfection and 2000 cal by Max factor. I am going clubbing friday and want a club look and Im not sure which one would best fit. also, with 2000 cal, whats the difference btwn the curved and straight brush? thanks!


Well-known member
Im not too sure what the difference between the two (sorry) BUT i could never go without the max factor masterpiece mascara, Its the best i've ever used and thats compared with Mac's Fibre lash.


Well-known member
I have both Lash Perfection and 2000 Calorie. I prefer 2000 Calorie since it seems to make my lashes appear fuller and there's minimal clumping. Lash Perfection is pretty much basic. It does seperate lashes really well but it has a thin consistency in my opinion.


Well-known member
I love Lash Perfection!!! I have SEVERAL back-ups in black and navy. I think I have tried 2000 calorie in the past but it doesn't stand out to me. I might have to give it a try again based on so siqqq's comments.