help me look my age


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i turn 20 next month but i only look about 14

i think it comes down to a mixture of being incredibly petite, having really quite pale skin, kind of chubby "puppy fatish" cheeks, freckles, etc....

if anyone can offer me some advice on how to improve my look so that i look my age (or even a couple of years older than i look now) i'd be forever grateful.

i'm half way through a teaching degree and need a look that is professional, easy and can last an entire day as there isn't much time to worry about the way you look when you are a student teacher

any help would be wonderful, for reference here is a picture of me sans make up (except for a little lipgloss). the lighting is pretty shocking because the room it was taken in is green.


Well-known member
wow! well dye your hair darker! i had the same problem, im 20 and i have a kid so when im pushing my kid around the mall people stop me and ask how old i am and when i say 20 they are like thats good because i thought you were 14 with a kid!!!!

so i dyed my hair darker.

try to wear lipstick instead of lipgloss

and more makeup, like around the eyes.

cut your hair and style it like a little older, you know the side swiped bangs etc..


Well-known member
I am sorry but you do look very... young.

The most effective way to look more mature, I find, is by having the right haircut. A side swept fringe with your hair pulled back into a messy bun will make you look older, but not uptight (cos your bun is slightly messy)

Makeup wise, I'd suggest wearing eyeliners, neutral eyeshadows and dark-ish blush maybe? Like a raspberry colour instead of pink. HTH


Active member
my hair is a huge problem for me. when it is short it is much too frizzy so bangs, fringes or whatever you want to call them just end up everywhere if it is even a little bit humid. the colour it is now is slightly darker than my natural colour, it was a lovely medium redish brown but it has almost all washed out. i also don't have a lot of money to spend getting my hair coloured all the time, the last time i went it cost over $100 for that and a trim :/

does anyone have pictures of the styles that they think will work?


Active member
maybe try a little bit of brown eyeliner lightly smudged into the lash-line and some mascara? that's all I can think of sorry


Active member
thanks everyone, i'm not too sure about ironing my hair everyday as frankly i just don't have the time in the mornings. you have all inspired me to try out a new hair style though so i'll head into the hair dressers in the next week or so and tell them to go crazy. usually i just ask for it trimmed because every time i've gone a lot shorter it has been a disaster.

the brown eyeliner trick sounds good. i'm always scared of wearing too much makeup because i think i end up looking like a 14 year old who wants to look older, not someone trying to look her age.


Well-known member
make sure when you get your hair cut next time to point out that you want a style that's easy to maintain, i.e. not something that requires a lot of product, flat-ironing every day, etc. because you have limited time. my hair is super-thick and wavy, and it looks horrible if i don't at the very least put in some straightening balm and flat-iron the front. when i feel lazy, i just flat iron the front pieces and put the rest up in a clip and i'm good to go for the day. i think you would look a bit older with some layers and side-swept bangs.

as for make-up, definitely try wearing a nice lipstick and some neutral eye make-up. i have the same issue with looking a lot younger than i really am, so i go crazy with the eye make-up. every day at work i get asked if i'm even old enough to be in a bar (i'm 22 and look like i'm about 16 or 17). but since you're going into teaching, i don't think crazy eye make-up would be acceptable!


Well-known member
i agree with godzillaaahhh...but...
-buy darker, more "adult"-looking clothing (lower cuts tops, fitted pants, higher shoes)...make an effot not to just wear jeans and tees, you know?
-develop your own look - when i think "older", i think feminine, sexy, chic matter what though, it's your confidence and attitude people notice first
-layered cuts require more styling but they look older...
-add a little more black eyeliner, mascara, take care of your skin - for me, looking pulled together is the most important thing in getting respect, but that means something diff. for everyone...just be true to you
hope this helps!


Well-known member
Ok my 2 cents-

- make your hair a little darker (wow im repeating! heheheehe)
- hair style- I *LOVE* reese witherspoon. She is the perfect balance (IMHO) of mature yet young and spunky
heres a nice pic

I'm going to contradict what most of the girls here are saying and say go for lighter naturals tones

Some quick makeup looks that are natural-

MAC Bare Canvas paint from lashline to browbone
MAC Kid from lashline to crease
MAC Shroom on browbone
and if you want more dept then maybe MAC Mulch in the crease

Brown Eyeliner (MAC Fluidliner in browndown is immovable) but make it tightlined or very thin and not big and bulky

Curl your lashes get some brown mascara on there and you have the perfect "adult eyes" Also get your brows professionaly waxed as that will just do some fine tuning. (Sorry I do that so I'm just telling you what I do
I think your gorgeous just as you are!)

Take care of your skin

Use a creme blush (MAC Lilicent or Cherry)

For the lips use a prolongwear lipstick lustrewear in Lustrebloom (I think its a pinky purpleish color)

Clothing-use neutral colors. Khakis, blacks, browns, deep pretty neutral colors and then use a bright splash of something in your accessories.

You'll be good to go


New member
My advice: Just be happy you look so young!

Besides that a different hair cut with layers will help you look older.
Since you do have such a young looking face I suggest you don't go heavy on the makeup. It will make you look like a young kid trying too hard. Just keep it soft.


Active member
Originally Posted by 'Nessa
My advice: Just be happy you look so young!

Besides that a different hair cut with layers will help you look older.
Since you do have such a young looking face I suggest you don't go heavy on the makeup. It will make you look like a young kid trying too hard. Just keep it soft.

looking like i'm trying too hard is my biggest fear, in my mind it woulc only cause people to take me less seriously/question my abilities even more.
i'm definitely going to get the hair done, i know deep down that i need to but i'm kind of attached to it
. the eyebrows are one of those things that i don't think i have time to get looked after professionally. i only really go to the shops when i need to get a hair cut (atm that is three times a year tops) or when i'm buying gifts for other people.

on the clothes front when i am out at school's teaching i have much more professional looking clothes. mostly in dark greys, black, browns, etc and that helps a bit. around university though especially in summer it is too not to wear much more than a singlet and skirt/jeans.

thanks everyone for all the help


Well-known member
I think it's about the hair (side swept, darker with more natural dimension)... neautral make up... maybe some "nice real" earrings to help draw attention to your face... don't wear anything too trendy (earrings wise)... a fabulous push up bra and some heeeels!

If you love some of the "trendy" jewelry... then get something that doesn't look extremely fake or plastic-y. I think the focus of either earrings that look pricey or artsy will place you above the usual 14yr old mark.

I have a friend just like you in that respect... she's 21 and she looks about 13... we can seriously take her out and she can get a kid's meal-- no problem. We went to this dating thing and no guys came to talk to her because they're not sure if she's even of age and she's freaking gorgeous.


Well-known member
Oh sweetheart! I completely understand!!! i'm now 29 and look about 20. I'm married (no kids yet) and work for a University. i get mistaken for a student all the time!!! The drinking age in australia is 18 and I always (read: every singe time!) get asked for ID.

I have definately learnt that a good hair style can make a difference. And although I have mastered the make up - at the end of the day there's not much we can do. I quite often get the "don't worry - you'll be thankful when your older" routine by other who don't understand how frustrating it can be.

I guess we need to enjoy our extended youth. one tip I have learnt though - is don't try to darken make up and wear lipstick as opposed to gloss because in the end all it does is make us look like we have been playing with mommies make up!


Well-known member
I'm kind of wondering what your normal makeup looks like, since you showed us a 'bare-faced' pic. It's probably a bit easier for people to understand when they see your comfort-zone/abilities already.

I don't really believe makeup can make you truly look older, but it can make you look more sophisticated/polished. Avoid bubble gum pinks, frosty lipsticks, mascara over kill (but you should still wear sooome mascara/liner), and severely shiny glosses. All of these things screeeam pre-teen. So while you may not be wearing older makeup, you can at least distance yourself from the 14 year olds.

Brows are really important. An arched brow (natural, not severe) commands more attention and seems older/more sophisticated than a flat brow. Even though it may seem like it'd be a lot of work to go to a professional salon, it's only 20 minutes max. You can also learn to maintain it yourself, and only have to pluck the odd hair every week or so. That way you would only have to make a salon trip a few times a year.

Overall, just do the changes slowly. You shouldn't do a style overhaul all in one sitting.. as the shock may make you doubt your ability to look older. You could begin by getting a haircut an a dye.. and seeing how that changes your face. Then phase out the younger colours and introduce more sophisticated tones. Overall, just be confident in what you can do. And I'd love to see pics of how this goes.


Active member
Originally Posted by carriesshoes
I quite often get the "don't worry - you'll be thankful when your older" routine by other who don't understand how frustrating it can be.

they don't know the half of it...

its something that bothers me and plays on my mind no matter where i am and what i am doing. every day i question my choice of career because even though i love it and i've had no problems with students (i'm a high school teacher in training), everyone who i tell just laughs at me and says something to the effect of "you'll have no chance in a classroom". my biggest fear is that my boy of three years will eventually get sick of the looks we get in public when we are together and me coming home in tears because someone has basically said to my face that they refuse to believe that i am the person that i am. its like all the time i've spent at uni working really hard means nothing because no one will look at me like i'm anything more than a school kid.

i can't wait until i'm all old and wrinkled


Well-known member
girl, trust me i have the same problem haha. i'm almost 18 and i constantly get asked "are you 14 or 15?" no bueno.

when i did my eyebrows a little different, more shaped and groomed, less people were asking that. i suppose it's because the majority of young ladies don't pluck/wax but most older women do shape their brows, so perhaps try that!

and when colouring your hair, maybe you could just do it yourself. if there's a beauty supply store near you, get some professional dye (usually only about 4$) and a bottle of developer (around 5$ generally) and that way you don't have to pay the big bucks to get your hair coloured


Well-known member
I can most definitely sympathise, as I'm small. Just turned 27 and I still get carded when buying a 6-pack of beer, but I never get carded at bars. Go figure.

I think it has a lot to do with posture, the way a person carries themselves, and eye contact. Also, speech: not saying that a person has to sound 'smart' but in professional situations, people need to know by your speech or manner that you take what you do seriously.

I used to be painfully shy before I started uni, which was did a lot for my confidence - hey, once you give speeches in fluent French, speaking in English doesn't seem so bad! Plus, like-minded people listen and don't make fun, whereas people in my area tend to look at me as a kid because I'm not married etc.

Even if you don't 'fee'l it, just try to be really confident when working, and people will take you for the age you are, regardless of what you look like. Though all the tips regarding appearance can't hurt! :p


Active member
its not so much the work, working with kids is fine (meeting parents might be fun though), its more if i go to the shops, sales people don't bother with me, especially if it is during the week because they assume i'm wagging school. the other week i went to use my university id card to get a student bus ticket and the driver didn't even look at the card, he just told me he couldn't sell a concession ticked to me because it was school hours and i wasn't in uniform :roll:. its that sort of thing that really beats me down, people who just don't give you a chance as they've already made their mind up about you before you even open your mouth.

i work part time at a supermarket and i do enjoy sometimes just starting conversations with customers who think i am 15 about things that no 15 year old would have a clue about. its pretty amusing to see them get a little confused. i have a little person's little voice too which is a bit annoying.

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