Help needed for proving fake MAC to EBAY


New member
Hello there,

recently I bought fake dazzleglass over internet and reported a seller to ebay because the fact ppl selling fake MAC really irritates me. So I got an answer from ebay which im copying bellow. Basically I would need a contact that would be able to help me regarding the bolded text.

in order to continue with the investigation of your complaint, we must request documentation to support your claim that the item is not authentic.
Please obtain a document from an unbiased, third-party, such as a dealer, appraiser, or another individual or organization that is qualified in the area of the item in question (other than yourself), which clearly identifies the item as not authentic. If possible, the document should include a serial number and description of the item, and must be on letterhead that includes the name, address, and phone number of the individual, business, or organization so that PayPal may contact them if necessary.

The documents should be faxed to PayPal at 08707 303 196. Please include a cover sheet with your fax that includes the email address registered on your PayPal account and the ID number of your claim PP-859-408-177, so we may attach the documents to your claim as quickly as possible.

We must receive your fax within 10 days from the date of this message in order to proceed with the investigation of your claim. If we do not receive your fax within 10 days, your claim will be cancelled. We are unable to grant extensions to this time period. Please note that PayPal is unable to reimburse you for any costs or fees that may be incurred in obtaining the requested documents. Any documents you provide may also be supplied to the seller in your dispute if necessary.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience. We regret any inconvenience this request may cause.

Protection Services Department
PayPal, an eBay Company


Well-known member
Well, you could try to take it to your nearest MAC, but I don't think that you will get anything on letterhead. It has been awhile since I read this so I could be wrong, but I believe that MAC has a policy against identifying fakes to deter people from buying MAC at places other than a MAC store/counter. I would give it a shot though; what do you have to lose?


Well-known member
That really stinks they are asking for proof like this. It's going to be almost impossible to get your money back on bunk .

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I think that's ridiculous you have to do that much work to get money back from people who know what they're doing is wrong.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
MAC won't issue anything on letterhead saving that something is fake. I called their head office here in Markham before to try to see if I could get one and they said they don't do that. I called because I had the same thing happen to me before and I lost the PayPal claim because I could not get a letter or anything proving it was fake. In my case they even had pictures of authentic pigments (or what looked authentic from all the photos I received) and then they sent bad fakes...not even close to the pictures and I still lost because I couldn't prove they were fake.

Did you talk to the seller? I would leave negative feedback for them ASAP!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
I think that's ridiculous you have to do that much work to get money back from people who know what they're doing is wrong.

Paypal does have a reason for it though. They aren't experts in this field like we are; they can't tell the difference between a fake and a real product. You can't let people just say "Oh I think this is fake" and just let them keep it or have their monies back while hurting a seller that might be selling real stuff. There does have to be a policy in place. It makes a lot of sense for Paypal to require paperwork on letterhead (ensures authenticity) to be sent to them from someone qualified to identify its authenticity. All you can do is be careful and be able to tell the difference when you buy off of eBay.


Well-known member
Couldn't a MUA be considered an appriaser or expert?

If someone who was a certified MUA was willing to make a statement for you, that might work.


Little tardy to the party, but figured I'd reply. I would think you could get a document from a MUA, MAC employee, or a former MAC employee... perhaps someone who holds a MACPRO card?? I would consider those as "...another individual or organization that is qualified in the area of the item in question (other than yourself), which clearly identifies the item as not authentic" Maybe even just someone who is a "collector" would be considered qualified?

If they wrote a letter not only stating it is fake, but also great detail as to how they came to the conclusion it is fake, (box, font type, lack of name on product, etc) I think that would be sufficient evidence to prove your case. Maybe even get more than one person to do this for you if you could.


Well-known member
^^Yes absolutely it can be a collector. I have assisted others here to get their money back, several for considerable amounts, but it requires a lot of work. Lots of comparison photos and highly detailed descriptions of the flaws, where, and why, it took me several days to over a week in some cases to provide the comparisons and detail required.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
^^Yes absolutely it can be a collector. I have assisted others here to get their money back, several for considerable amounts, but it requires a lot of work. Lots of comparison photos and highly detailed descriptions of the flaws, where, and why, it took me several days to over a week in some cases to provide the comparisons and detail required.

Panda,happy new 2010!You are truly a star i hope you got a big thank you and a big fat cheque for your efforts


Well-known member
LOL, no cheques! But seriously, I did get some lovely thank-you's from these ladies - a LUSH pack, some flowers, nice cards, choccies, some authentic MAC products - everyone I have helped has said thank-you in one form or another and thats what counts the most!


Originally Posted by panda0410
LOL, no cheques! But seriously, I did get some lovely thank-you's from these ladies - a LUSH pack, some flowers, nice cards, choccies, some authentic MAC products - everyone I have helped has said thank-you in one form or another and thats what counts the most!

Panda, you are doing such a great service and are very appreciated. You so deserve all those goodies and more!! Thank you for being so wonderful!

On another note, I wonder how long it is going to take them to start counterfeiting the NEW pigment jars...


New member
I need help with this also. Not to prove it to ebay but to get my money back from a liquidator I bought from. I am trying to prove that the seller was selling counterfeit products and they say I need MAC letterhead or MAC professional. I have emailed Estee Lauder but I have not been successful. I was unaware the products were counterfeit when I bought them, listed them on ebay, and took them off when a couple of people contacted me and told me they were counterfeit. Now, I am out the listing fees and the cost of the liquidation lot.