HELP!! What color is this e/s???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
wow...our monitors are all waaaay different. lol

lol...thats what I'M SAYIN! It looks like a darker shimmery purple to me...especially since she's comparing it to other purple shades... So I'm kinda confused by all the brown shade recs...

It looks like Shale to me, based on the other colors its around. It also looks similar to Illegal Cargo in the above pic. In my palette, Shale and Illegal Cargo are right next to each other like you have pictured above and they look very similar.


Originally Posted by niknacnikki69
I am also thinking that it is Botanical, and no Botanical is not dark grey, it is purple pink.

Your right, yes, it is Botanical. I took it to the MAC counter today and the MUA confirmed that it is in fact Botanical. Thank you ladies for all your help!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by serenabena
Idol Eyes

if you read the post directly before yours, its already been confirmed that its botanical.