Her first MAC!


Well-known member
Yesterday, I had no clue what to get my neice who's 13th birthday is today. I was thinking maybe something from Libby Liu or Claires, but then it came to me...I will get her her first MAC! She LOVES makeup and wears the Claire's stuff all the time. I think she is ready. She is super special to me, so this was a great deal of excitement to me.

I got her Pink Poodle lipglass and Pink Venus eyeshadow.

Do yall ever give MAC as gifts to people who have never owned it before?


Well-known member
what an awesome auntie! I cant wait til my daughter is old enough for makeup and I can tae her to mac and get her a makeover and pretty LIGHT colors
I get people MAC as gifts b/c i love to share the wealth... I was introduced to mac by a best friend.. and now I have hooked 3 people on mac myself


Well-known member
my little sister thinks i dont know that she uses my makeup, i guess im a big influence on her because she wears colors that 12 year olds usualy wouldnt anyway i guess when she is a little bit older i will give her her first mac but only if i know that she is responsible enough to take care of it.


Well-known member
awww hilly thats so sweet of you! LOL get her addicted now, collection building to come!

Yes, I've given MAC as a gift before to my best friend who doesn't know the brand. She's more of a clinique or drugstore brand (I kinda wish she would get matched in MAC foundation, as the stuff she has from the drugstore, if not properly blended is all orange and streaky) but I digress. The curiositease sets from the holiday collection were PERFECT so I got her the cool lipglass set. I don't know if she's used it at all, but I was stoked with my gift picking/giving!

I would love to introduce more friends to the MAC wonderful e/s but I think many would think its too expensive.....so I'll just continue my collection growing!


Well-known member
Not MAC, but i bribed my little sister with UD if she would try sushi!! it was great! now she's hooked on UD at 12!! speaking of my sis and sushi......that's what we should do tomorrow. you down?


Well-known member
Nice gift Hilly. I got friend a make over from MAC for her 30th and we went together - it was great fun and started her MAC collection xx


Well-known member
oh this is so sweet and exciting. I would be as excited to give this as a gift as the girl probably will be to receive it!!
My daughter isn't old enough yet, but I let her play with my MAC on the weekends occasionally (it's usually my unused colors anyways!)


Well-known member
Thats a great gift.
I like the idea of giving MAC but I just find MU to be such a personal thing I'd hate to get somebody something they wouldn't use and don't like.


Well-known member
Damn...I need older nieces. My younger sister isn't into make-up and doesn't use the MAC I bought her


Well-known member
Awww, so sweet!! I wish I'd had an aunt or older sister (or even mother) to introduce me to MAC when I was that age. Everyone I know already uses MAC...but hopefully someday I'll have a daughter or two (or some nieces) to pass all my MAC wisdom on to!


Well-known member
I gave my lil cousin (cousin's daughter) some MAV l/g just because. She really enjoyed the gift. She was 13 @ the time.


Well-known member
Pink Poodle was my daughter-in-laws (mid twenties) first favorite lipgloss from MAC. I bought her one of the Holiday sets. She WAS an Aveda ONLY makeup wearer

I buy MAC as gifts for all ages
Well, they always want what I'm wearing so why not.


Well-known member
I've never given it as a gift, but my aunt gave MAC to me on my 15th birthday. That's where the makeup-love started. After that, makeup became our "thing." Every time she came home we'd hit up the pro stores in NYC even if it was just to look.

Very awesome gift, Hilly. I bet she loved it.


Well-known member
aw how cute!

i got my sister some mac. she doesn't really wear makeup, except for on a very, very rare occassion. she's into ballet though, so when danse came out, i got her en pointe l/g and she really digs the forties style, so when the mattenes came out, i sent her 40's pink.


Well-known member
excellent gift choice

for sure i'll buy people MAC
i've bought my mum shimmermoss eye shadow because she loves that exact shade of metallic tealy-green. I've also bought my aunt lip gloss (not MAC though) as part of a christmas present.

i can't wait til my cousin is old enough to wear makeup - she is so getting some MAC!


Well-known member
I gave my 15 year old cousin some for Christmas this past year! She loved it! But I had to apply to her a couple of time until she got the hang of it! Hubby wanted me to get her started off with the basics. So $150 later, she got more products than I usually get at one time!