Here we go again, more fake eye shadows:


Well-known member
Luckily they dont seem to be selling well - reported but havent been taken down, typical ebay ignorance (otherwise known as greed...)
What worries me is that someone can by a lot for 25 dollars or whatever they will go for and then sell them on individually to unsuspecting buyers (singualr e/s always look less threatening to me than lots).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkbeauty27
And more:

Seller: tikbutik2550

hdirenzo, how do you report the fakes to ebay? Thanks!

This seller used a slightly different name previous to this before he was suspended..... Same seller though, same shit hes selling....

Go the bottom on the page and you will see certain links highlighted - one of them weill be Report This Item - click and follow the prompts!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
This seller used a slightly different name previous to this before he was suspended..... Same seller though, same shit hes selling....

Go the bottom on the page and you will see certain links highlighted - one of them weill be Report This Item - click and follow the prompts!

Which subtopics do you click? Thanks!

Nevermind, I figured it out.


Well-known member

About reporting:
1st box = Counterfeits...

2nd box = Potential trade...

3rd box = Other...

Edit: There is so many of them! Im having a blitz tonight :soldier: