Hey All from Atlanta!


Well-known member
Hi everyone! I joined the forums about a week ago and thought I'd introduce myself. I am so glad I found this place! It's like a one-stop for all things beauty! I love being able to share and see others' makeup looks and get advice, give reviews, etc. My love for MAC has recently blossomed, haha. I am slowly growing my collection, so this place is perfect for learning all about the brand!

So, a little about me. My name is Laura and I'm a 26 years old nursing student. I live just north of Atlanta, GA with my fiance, Brad. I have always loved makeup, and I thought I was doing it right, but I have learned so much through YouTube Guru's and beauty blogs! I did a search to learn how to apply liquid liner a few months ago and stumbled upon this whole new world of makeup addicts on the internet!

I was inspired to start my own blog as well.. it isn't much yet, just fun for me. You can check it out Laura's Beauty Blog.

Anyway, I'm sure you will see me around here a lot! Can't wait to talk to you all. Thanks so much for all that you have taught me already!


Active member
Welcome, I just checked out your blog and I'm liking it so far! (I love reviews and before and afters!)

Keep it up!