I always dig out the remaining lipstick. there is so much left it is a shame to waist it. This what i do if i do not want to waist it but still dont want to use a lip brush. Take all the leftover lipstick out of your empty lipsticks. You can either add many lipsticks or if you only have one mix it with your own ingredients or a cheap lip balm. melt it for sever second and poor the mixture into your favorite empty lipstick tube. This will give you a lot more usage and you get to reuse your lovely lipstick containers. I love the urban decay, and Guerlain lipstick tubes among others and when i am done i make my own mixture and add it to the empty tube so i can still enjoy that expensive lippie container. The good thing is it only takes about 2 minutes to do this. Let it cool for around 10 minutes and there you go, new lip product to enjoy.