They may make your legs look longer, but they make you and your torso look shorter. I'm short already. I live on an island where the population -well atleast the Asian half of us is like five foot three. Regular pants are all high waisted on us-like little old men or Christopher Walken-pulled up to the nipple line. A nice lady in Ross sent me up to the men's department and told me to look for pants with a 30 inch inseam and stop worrying about waist size....I don't want anything higher than my bellybutton,trouserwise.
High waist jeans... It's a don't. Please... don't... Those don't really flatter anyone. But those really low jeans are a major don't too... Cracks are everywhere lately, and it's so... UGH.
They look hot on Kim kardashian, & some looks that I've seen are actually cute. But I have seen them worn wrong & it kills the whole HIGH WAISTED JEAN LOOK for me, but they are exceptional in some cases, depending how you wear them.. I'd say yay
High waisted jeans do not suit me at all (I am short.) but high waisted shorts on the other hand, I look tall/long legs. I also love how I can eat all night without looking bloaty
. Yay to high waisted shorts for me! Heaps funny, seeing as when they've first made a comeback, I hated them with a passion, but a year and bit later I love them. If you find the right high waisted's i.e one that does not reach to your breasts but rather one that sits on your belly button, looks perfect!
Man.. who is it that tells women that look is good. My mom looks just like that Mom jeans video. Her body isn't so bad that she couldn't find something more flattering. It's a NOOOOOO to those pants!!
VS has so many styles of jeans in various cuts that it makes no sense not to try and find something flattering. Reminds me of the 80's and those awful "lee riders". I swear my dating options dried up when I was rocking those.
I told a family member if they didn't get rid of those ugly jeans, I was going to set fire to them.
They make you look like you have a diaper in front of your stomach & your butt looks like it got run over by a truck. Oh, I am having a moment here. I am loosing it. I want to rid the world of those jeans. I need to mediate...
I think sparklingwaves pictures of the highwaisters are what I know to be "mom jeans." The highwaisters with the pocket in the front. BUT fast forward to the highwaisters now and I think they are very flattering on women. I'm personally not a fan as I am a lowrider girl myself. I can stand pants higher than my hips.
The right kind, the updated kind can look really good with the right top. They can really flatten your tummy. But you have to have good posture with them or they look terrible.
i have to agree with glam8babe, they are really fashionable here in the UK and i actually love them! ive also got the high waited shorts and i want some of the trousers next. I absolutly loveeeee these on jlo!
^ i so agree with you.. i absolutely LOVE's about time i got me a pair actually, they're kind of hard to find though - for me at least =/
I love both the jeans and the shorts..