Himalayan Kitties @ Pet Shop


Well-known member
aw poor babies - they look so unkempt


Well-known member
awwww i loove himalayans! Those pet shops make me so sad! They're always cramped in those tiny boxes and they look exhausted and thirsty!

And your puppy is so cute!


When I was little, there was a pet shop in the mall..For 3 months, whenever my mom and I went to the mall there was a little boston Terrier puppy in the tiny little boxes hardly 3 feet wide , ... so one day my mom felt so awful that this little baby girl had been in this box, she was getting too big for it., so we went in and she was "discounted" so we took her home, Molly was her name and she was a sweetheart, she was so amazing but she was a strange dog, she could hardly even walk when we took her home, she fell off the couch.. hit her head on our coffee table trying to jump. she had awful balance. She straightened out but was always a little weird. she was my molly moe -aka mobina, or Bina. she had a ton of meaningless made up names. all my animals do. haha.

Puppy mills are horrible places. which reminds me . she was TERRIFIED of anyone wearing a coyboy hat, or Hoodie.


Well-known member
I wish I could give every single homeless kitty a home.... my goal is to become a crazy cat lady hahaha!

Unfortunatly my place doesn't allow pets


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Never ever buy any pet at a pet shop. The majority of them come from kitten/puppy mills where the breeding animals live in horrible, gut wrenching conditions!! So if you buy at a pet shop, you are supporting that. If you get a pet like a dog or a cat, get it from a reputable breeder, or the SPCA.

(Unless the pet shop can proove the pets are from a good, reputable and humane breeder, but this is almost never the case.)

I'm not arguing with you but in the U.S. many pet shops are beginning to partner with local non-profit rescue groups. For instance, the rescue group will bring in a certain number of kittens and puppies to the pet shop for the week so that they will be seen by prospective owners (if someone is interested, they are made to contact the rescue group, not buy from the shop), and if they are not adopted then they are taken back to the shelter and switched out with other animals so that they do not spend more than a few days in the glass cages you see.

These animals are very well taken care of, have been checked over by veterinarians and are up to date on all their shots, as well as spayed/neutered. I adopted one of my cats in this manner from a local pet shop who sponsored a rescue group and I am glad I did because I feel both the pet shop and the rescue group are doing a wonderful thing.

As I said, this is not prevalent everywhere but I do know that Petsmart participates in it, as well as all of my local pet shops. So if any of you are looking at a cute animal in a pet shop, check into its origins before discarding it as an unhealthy animal who has come from an kitten/puppy mill.

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