Hit a Jew Day ?


Well-known member
i think young kids are now so.. numb against all the violence and vulgarity in today's society. it saturates the media. everywhere on TV, video games, music.. you can't even turn on the disney channel and find 100% wholesome stuff. so even if the kids didn't think they were racially targetting anyone to be malicious, which they probably weren't, it's just such a problem in today's society that kids don't think violence and stuff like that is that bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TamiChoi
ehh wow, what is this world really coming to? that's crazy.

But anti-semitism isn't new, unfortunately.

I wonder more like,
Why do things like these still happen....to *anyone* anywhere. ?

Cheryl Faith


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xmizlynnax
i think young kids are now so.. numb against all the violence and vulgarity in today's society. it saturates the media.

Sadly, yes.


“There are fewer than 30 Jewish students at Parkway West Middle School, which has an enrollment of 850 students.”

... even if the kids didn't think they were racially targetting anyone to be malicious, which they probably weren't,

Targeting a minority group of people who attend school with you is not malicious?

Or did you mean "racially targeting" anyone is "not malicious."

I don't want to sound mean, but I think your statement is naive.

Anti-semitism has roots which go way back, to times long long long before media saturation...

it's just such a problem in today's society that kids don't think violence and stuff like that is that bad.

I have a feeling most kids *do* think violence and "stuff like that" is "that bad,"
even with the barrage of violence in the media.

Have you heard about The Holocaust?

Do you know about shameful parts of US History?

How about places like Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur?

If your words are true, what a sad world...

*I don't think you are cruel. I only think you're a bit uninformed.*

Thanks. CherylFaith


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa

I cannot understand people who commit actions such as these;
where do the children learn to be anti-semites?
Where do we learn prejudice? I don't think anybody is 100% free of prejudice of any kind.

It's frightening what some people must be teaching their children.

Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
“Educators said they do not believe the incident was done with hatred or prejudice.”

Then they are either just trying for damage limitation, or just full of sh*t!

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good (Wo)men to do nothing"

love and peace



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
Sadly, yes.


“There are fewer than 30 Jewish students at Parkway West Middle School, which has an enrollment of 850 students.”

Targeting a minority group of people who attend school with you is not malicious?

Or did you mean "racially targeting" anyone is "not malicious."

I don't want to sound mean, but I think your statement is naive.

Anti-semitism has roots which go way back, to times long long long before media saturation...

I have a feeling most kids *do* think violence and "stuff like that" is "that bad,"
even with the barrage of violence in the media.

Have you heard about The Holocaust?

Do you know about shameful parts of US History?

How about places like Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur?

If your words are true, what a sad world...

*I don't think you are cruel. I only think you're a bit uninformed.*

Thanks. CherylFaith

well YES i have heard of all those atrocious events, and i for one certainly do think acts and violence are terrible. i didn't mean racially targeting anyone at all is not malicious at all. being a minority, i myself have been a target of discrimination as well. so i guess to clarify what i said in other words - in today's culture, especially here in america, there is so much violent media that it's hard for kids to avoid and subsequently some kids may develop an indifferent attitude towards violence. i am not saying that i personally or that every kid thinks violence is okay. i am pointing out how sad it is that violence and racisim is carelessly portrayed in everything. how many cartoons and comedies get laughs through someone getting physically hurt or humiliated? how many songs do you hear racial slurs being thrown around and used in a casual manner? i do think it's sad.. i think that some kids DONT care about the outside world and horrible things going on in other countries like bosnia, darfur. especially at that age. so i think it's important to educate our kids in diversity and peace..

not to sound defensive, but i do feel strongly about news like this, and really do find it kind of sad, today's young culture.


Well-known member
The really sad part is (besides the fact that we have to have this discussion at all) most of the kids parents will sum it up as "oh, their just being kids", and that's when u step in as a parent (and a decent human being) and say this is not acceptable its wrong and disrespectful and it will not be tolerated.
Don't pacify (sp) everything ur child does, give them discipline and boundaries. Let them know that there are consequences for bad decisions. Sorry for my rant
I'll shut up now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
The really sad part is (besides the fact that we have to have this discussion at all) most of the kids parents will sum it up as "oh, their just being kids", and that's when u step in as a parent (and a decent human being) and say this is not acceptable its wrong and disrespectful and it will not be tolerated.
Don't pacify (sp) everything ur child does, give them discipline and boundaries. Let them know that there are consequences for bad decisions. Sorry for my rant
I'll shut up now!

definitely agree kids need more parental influence in their lives ...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
The really sad part is (besides the fact that we have to have this discussion at all) most of the kids parents will sum it up as "oh, their just being kids", and that's when u step in as a parent (and a decent human being) and say this is not acceptable its wrong and disrespectful and it will not be tolerated.
Don't pacify (sp) everything ur child does, give them discipline and boundaries. Let them know that there are consequences for bad decisions. Sorry for my rant
I'll shut up now!

What I don't understand is how adults expect bad kids to grow up to be good adults if the kids are never corrected?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
The really sad part is (besides the fact that we have to have this discussion at all) most of the kids parents will sum it up as "oh, their just being kids"

I sure hope not...but probably some do...

, and that's when u step in as a parent (and a decent human being) and say this is not acceptable its wrong and disrespectful and it will not be tolerated.
Don't pacify (sp) everything ur child does, give them discipline and boundaries. Let them know that there are consequences for bad decisions. Sorry for my rant
I'll shut up now!

You shouldn't apologize for your words. They are valuable and absolutely right!

Kids need (and expect, from what I can see) boundaries.
They need education about diversity and tolerance.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
I guess they think "they'll grow out of it"! Ridiculous, I know.

Scary. I don't think most kids will "grow out of" hatred, prejudice, and intolerance. Children need to learn about these things from the get-go...

That said, some adults do seem to "grow ouf of it" through education..."

Yes, it begins with us, parents and guardians of the next generation.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by xmizlynnax
well YES i have heard of all those atrocious events, and i for one certainly do think acts and violence are terrible. i didn't mean racially targeting anyone at all is not malicious at all.

and I absolutely never thought you were.

being a minority, i myself have been a target of discrimination as well.

I am sorry.
And I am also a minority, & I have been targeted since I was a child.

Now I have a child who will be targeted even more for his major minority status. Every time somebody uses a word like "tard," which I see all over the place, it makes me (& other parents) cringe.
Words like that hurt me long before I became a mom, although I will *never* claim I am a saintly being, 100% free of prejudice of any kind.

The prejudice I have been a target of seems much smaller than what my son may experience.

so i guess to clarify what i said in other words - in today's culture, especially here in america, there is so much violent media that it's hard for kids to avoid and subsequently some kids may develop an indifferent attitude towards violence.

I know. It's unfortunate. We (his mom & dad) *will* be censoring what our child watches until he is old enough to decide for himself.
And I will educate him as best I can, regarding violence, tolerance, and celebrating diversity.....celebrating being Human.

I am also planning to enroll him in a soft martial arts class, as he's quite athletic and has lots of testosterone already kicking around, & he isn't even 5 yrs. old (will be Nov. 6 !)

i am not saying that i personally or that every kid thinks violence is okay. i am pointing out how sad it is that violence and racisim is carelessly portrayed in everything. how many cartoons and comedies get laughs through someone getting physically hurt or humiliated? how many songs do you hear racial slurs being thrown around and used in a casual manner? i do think it's sad.. i think that some kids DONT care about the outside world and horrible things going on in other countries like bosnia, darfur. especially at that age.

I know you don't think violence is ok.
I agree with everything you've said here.

so i think it's important to educate our kids in diversity and peace..

Absolutely! Even the way we use language among our friends can affect changes in society...
(but that's a whole 'nother story....or is it?)

Excellent points. Thanks.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by missworld
It's frightening what some people must be teaching their children.


Then they are either just trying for damage limitation, or just full of sh*t!

I know it's LARGE....but damn! Your sign gave me chills when I saw it Last Night, & again right now...


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good (Wo)men to do nothing"


love and peace



missworld, I would ask you to marry me, but I am already happily married...& I'm straight....But I do love you.

Peace and Love to ALL!




Well-known member
Does anybody know why was missworld's banner was taken down/put as a link? Surely it didn't take more bandwidth than photos of people's hauls, and FOTDS ???

We also post YouTube videos on a fairly regular basis.

I will research later to see if it's some type of hotlink issue, but in a super-fast skim, all I have time for right now, I don't see that Wikipedia has a rule which pertains to this issue. Specktra probably does...so...
I will look again later.
I'm sure missworld will be wondering, too. Hopefully, if this is the case, she can host it herself.

I replied to missworld's post & the *profound* banner, completely non-aggressive & pertaining to Humanity, was edited out, as well.

We know how large photos are on here sometimes. Surely size was not the issue?

Thanks. CF

Anybody can see the banner in the below link, for now.

Originally Posted by missworld
It's frightening what some people must be teaching their children.

[/color][/color]Then they are either just trying for damage limitation, or just full of sh*t!

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good (Wo)men to do nothing"

love and peace




Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
Does anybody know why was missworld's banner was taken down/put as a link? Surely it didn't take more bandwidth than photos of people's hauls, and FOTDS ???

Well it wasn't bandwidth as it is not hosted by specktra.

It wasn't Copyright as the images creator Svetlana Miljkovic placed the following:


I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.
In case this is not legally possible:
I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

Maybe it might make the thread harder to read for anyone still on dial up?

Or most likely it was hotlinking the wikipedia server.
So I that fixed those issues.



Well-known member
So you mean to tell me that these are adults? Over an adminstration? An adminstration that habors and is supposed to be teaching kids? Ok all together now(deep breath) This is supossed to be an admistration of adult teachers trying to better kids and teach them manners(and host of other sensible things) that let this go on????

Excuse me while I go regurgitate.


Well-known member
What happened to 'It's never okay to hit ANYONE'? That's how I was raised. What's wrong with people and how did it come to this?


Well-known member
As much as this is an atrocity, these kids learned this from the people who are supposed to be teaching them i.e. their parents, teachers, and other adults in their lives. Sadly, they probably won't learn any better given the attitude that the administration took.

I would bet that these teachers grew with the same type of things happening so they don't see the need to make a big fuss about it. I mean, after all there were only 30 Jewish kids there right? It didn't affect that many people right? *sarcasm there folks*.

I attended a predominately white high school and man o man you would be surprised at how ignorant and prejudice some of those kids where. And seriously, most of the time when they were being offensive they had no idea. Why? b/c their parents say stuff like that all the time or something to that effect. No matter how much they learned about the holocaust or slavery or the massacre of native americans or japanese internment camps, some kids don't draw any type of beneficial conclusions about respect or acceptance from that. Just something that happened, it's over, and anyone offended by it should probably just get over it. Some think "if I target you now, you shouldn't be offended B/C it was all done in fun".

I am absolutely appalled at the administration as well. Seriously, it's your duty to teach these impressionable minds all about acceptance and the value of diversity. I don't care how you may think it doesn't mean much or if you just have pure hatred for another person, you still need to respect them! RESPECT RESPECT RESPECT!! And the administration along with the parents need to teach these kids just that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
...this is an atrocity, these kids learned this from the people who are supposed to be teaching them i.e. their parents, teachers, and other adults in their lives.

Yes. Atrocity is the best word. I still feel shocked at any such display.
And yes, ma'am, our learning begins way before school begins...

Sadly, they probably won't learn any better given the attitude that the administration took.

The reaction of the administration seemed incredibly nonchalant. Shocking.

I would bet that these teachers grew with the same type of things happening so they don't see the need to make a big fuss about it.


The school personnel "grew" like big, tall evil weeds.
No, your'e right; the people in the school did not see the need to make a fuss.

Something inside me still doesn't understand any of the "ism's," while I cannot claim to be perfect.
Surely the *good* within most people outweighs the other aspects?
I do not understand. I have puzzled over the question since I was a little girl.

I mean, after all there were only 30 Jewish kids there right? It didn't affect that many people right? *sarcasm there folks*.

My high school graduating class probably had fewer than 30 Jewish kids, out of 800 or 850.
Perhaps that's another reason I felt so saddened by this horror. Our high school principal was African-American. I also recall diversity, in race, religion, and ethnicity, among the staff and the administration. BUT....I didn't see *that*much diversity...far from enough. I did experience prejudice personally, which actually led me to feel uncomfortable revealing my family's religion in many cases. Being mainly Caucasian, and not *looking* Jewish (whatever that means) helped, but I was still in the same minority group as these students.

I always felt we were seen as part of the general *minority* contingency of our high school, along with African-Americans, a tiny amount of kids who were of indigenous heritage to this land, a couple of kids who had come from Vietnam, China, Japan, Mexico and Iran.
Only the children who were in special education classes seemed to get the worst evil directed toward them.

Of course, this was not in the 2000's, nor in the 1990's...

Look at this high school in Missouri, and look how far we've come.

I pray daily that the "ism's" will be purged. They will not be gone before my little son begins school.

But I will keep praying and speaking out against the "ism's" wherever I see them, even in quiet ways, such as posting on an Internet forum.

I attended a predominately white high school and man o man you would be surprised at how ignorant and prejudice some of those kids where. And seriously, most of the time when they were being offensive they had no idea.

Yes! I do not understand how this ignorance continues to live. Being mom to a child who has special needs, I encounter the ignorance on, pretty much, a daily basis. I am always especially shocked when it comes from the mouth of a person who I would have thought (for what reason??) was Enlightened...ie from a supervisor of a county gov't office: "Those children are always so loving and complacent."
*sticks finger down throat*

I believe we must work on killing the weeds of prejudice and ignorance on a daily basis; we must educate our children if we truly want Change.

Why? b/c their parents say stuff like that all the time or something to that effect. No matter how much they learned about the holocaust or slavery or the massacre of native americans or japanese internment camps, some kids don't draw any type of beneficial conclusions about respect or acceptance from that. Just something that happened, it's over, and anyone offended by it should probably just get over it. Some think "if I target you now, you shouldn't be offended B/C it was all done in fun".

Sick and sad.
We cannot afford to be complacent about the education our children need, in order to live in an increasingly culturally diverse society.

I am absolutely appalled at the administration as well. Seriously, it's your duty to teach these impressionable minds all about aceptance ad the value of diversity. I don't care how you may think it doesn't mean much or if you just have pure hatred for another person, you still need to respect them!

Pure hatred, based upon an "ism" race/religion/gender/genetics/age/sexual preference/ability.... etc...is a fear and ignorance-based poison, I believe. Even while the "hate" has not been completely purged, I think you're right, children must be taught an attitude of respect for all people as fellow Human beings.

That said, (by me), unfortunately, I find it difficult to respect a person who acts blatantly ignorant and offensive to humanity. Of course, my statement, my personal judgement of anyone being "blatantly ignorant & offensive" is subjective, but I believe we are on the same page here.
I hope i can become a better, more respectful, more forgiving person as *I* continue to grow & learn (I pray I continue to do so all my Life, which i see as a Gift.)
At this point, I feel I am generally able to forgive,
but I find it difficult to forget.

I do see Hope. I believe we are on our way.

RESPECT RESPECT RESPECT!! And the administration along with the parents need to teach these kids just that.



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