Hit me and I'll hit you back?


Well-known member
how do you guys feel about a girl hitting a guy, or a guy hitting a girl?

Obviously, nobody should be hitting anyone in the relationship, because I think it goes both ways. But I also don't think that a female should get hit after hitting a guy. I say this mainly because most guys are bigger and stronger than women.

This might be a stupid topic to you guys, but I was just curious. (and please don't tell me I need to get help if my boyfriend hits me...cuz thats not why I started this)


Well-known member
Well my bf and I play fight a lot- I'll wrestle him down and stuff. Usually I am the one with the boo boos, but it's never in anger...just for fun.
But of course if he gets me and I dont like it, I start crying like a baby lol.


Well-known member
I don't think anybody should be hitting anybody, and I don't think that because somebody hits you, you should hit back. I think there's such a thing as being the "bigger person."

If somebody attacks you you should defend yourself but normally, I'd say don't do it.

I don't mean fun stuff like play wrestling. Me and my bf do that too and we slap each other sometimes. Mostly he wins by tickling.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Fun wrestling is one thing, physical violence is another.

I don't care if you're a dwarf or you're a huge wrestler, male or female. It's never okay to hit anyone in anger or for means of control.

I hate when girls hit their boyfriends. A lot of those girls think it's cute once they cooled. It isn't cute at all, even if they don't actually injure the guy physically.

While I don't think anyone should hit back, unless in defense, treat others how you want to be treated.


Well-known member
Personally, i'd walk out of a relationship in a second if my boyfriend hit me in an argument with the intent to hurt me. Playing around is a diff story.

As far as me hitting him? I really doubt that would ever happen, considering he's like 6'1" and 185 right now. But if I tried, i really doubt my skinny ass at like 103 could really do much.

I asked him, and he said he'd probably just restrain me if I ever really tried to hit him in a fight or something. But if I like hit him after he said something stupid, he'd prolly say he deserved that =p


Well-known member
when I am angry/frustrated at my bf I punch him softly in the arm...but he knows I am not trying to hurt him so...

and generally when I am really angry I tend to take it out on myself rather than others so he sometimes gets me to punch his arm or something just so I don't hurt myself instead...


Well-known member
The only time I have ever hit my SO is when we were at my mother's house, he said something really insensitive to her, and when she wasn't looking I smacked him in the back of the head.

All kidding aside, I don't think anyone should be hitting anyone else. If I were male, and my partner was hitting me, I would consider leaving that situation. It doesn't matter if the woman can do less physical harm, it would bother me that this person had to resort to physical violence. It speaks volumes about their character.


Well-known member
Adults (and children) should keep their hands to themselves.
Men shouldn't hit women, women shouldn't hit men, but if they do, I think the male in question has the right to restrain the female until she gains control of herself.


Well-known member
Play wrestling and stuff is fine. Hitting a girl is out of the question, I don't hit guys either, unless I need to because I must get a point across. Such as slapping them if they say something WAYYY out of line.

Other than that... nah. No hitting should be going on, and if it has happened, leave that relationship. There is no reason for you to sacrifice your well being for that man.


Well-known member
I always said "I'll never let any guy hit me" (like hit me, not wrestling/playing) and yep that happened to me. I don't wanna sound like a victim, because I'm not, actually I was the first one who started all this. Before I couldn't control myself, everytime I was pissed about whatever, I would go and hit my boyfriend, slapping him, punching him, and for some stupid reason I thought it was ok, since I was a girl, that was like 3 years ago.
But one day, things changed I lost control again, I argued with him, and punched his face.. and he slapped me back, saying that he was tired of me treating him like sh*t, insulting him, hitting him everytime I felt down. That lead to a horrible time in our lives, as I kept losing control I kept hitting him, and he was hitting me back saying: "If you hit me , I'll hit you back" just like the thread title says.
After a year (March 2005) in one of those fights, I decided to call the cops, he spent one night in jail, but I dropped the charges.
We spent some time away, and we learned from that, we learned that we have to RESPECT each other, thanks God, It never happened again, we can argue (not fight) and I learned to control myself, now if we have problems I just stay in my room, and he stays inthe living room, until we feel ok to talk, I also think it was part of me being extremely immature, thinking that that's how you solve problems. Violence should not be permitted, yes I know that, and you guys have NO idea how much we both regret for our stupid actions.
I saw A LOT of violence at home, maybe because of that I thought it was ok, when it's not. My point is, like many of you said, it's just BAD to hit a woman and is BAD to hit a man.


Well-known member
I hit my boyfriend twice, and it's something I deeply regret doing. I was really really really upset at him, which is NO excuse, and I slapped him.
He's forgiven me for it and whenever we have our "disagreements" we both just sit down and try to talk about it calmly. Sometimes our tempers flare up but I've never even considered hitting him no matter how angry I got. My boyfriend does wonders to me

But yah.. hitting is VERY bad. My ex-boyfriend used to hit me alot and my parents used to hit each other, so I guess I kinda grew up around it, but he taught me that it DOESN'T have to be that way.

I heart my b/f LOL

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I don't hit guys either, unless I need to because I must get a point across.

I don't know what point you need to across that you must resort to hitting someone, but there's probably a better way than hitting


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Is there a difference between slapping, and hitting.

Not in my book. You are physically striking another individual in both cases.

I've often lost my temper and thought about throwing stuff at my husband, but I would NEVER hit him. I can say in all sincerity that he'd never hit me either. He grew up with abuse, and it's something that I know I'll never have to experience.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
Not in my book. You are physically striking another individual in both cases.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I don't know what point you need to across that you must resort to hitting someone, but there's probably a better way than hitting

I mean if a guy is coming at you, trying to touch you, and you say "Leave me alone!" or "No!" continuously. Sometimes to get your point across that you are serious and you do NOT want to be touched you need some force.

I was at a party about a month ago, and one of my boyfriend's friends who's a guy and is also my friend, kept hitting on this girl who we all know. She kept saying "No, leave me alone, I have no interest in you." and he kept coming at her, and was seriously invading her personal space. Everyone was telling him "Dude! Leave her alone, she doesn't want to be bothered!"

In the end me and my good friend who both know this guy well had to push him off of her, and slap him twice on the face because he didn't understand. We had to yell at him too because he was not listening.

Mind you, he was intoxicated, but not THAT badly, he knew what he was doing and he was concious of his decisions. Sometimes you just need that extra SMACK! to get the job done. Especially when it comes to guys coming at you.

And then another one of my friend's got slapped that night too, because he went up to a girl and grabbed her breasts for no reason. She turned around and smacked him. It's kind of a showing of "HEY! You respect me, I will NOT be touched like that, by you or ANY man!"

Relationship wise, I would never hit my boyfriend, I've pushed him before, as a joke when he insults me in his joking ways. Like:
"Ew, your hair looks gross and curly, go straighten it!"
And then I laugh and push him calling him an asshole jokingly. But I would never hit him, and he would never hit me. Plus I would never want him to hit me either, he's a big guy 6'6" and 230 of muscle.

Yeah... no out of line for me >_>


Well-known member
Yeah, no...I don't hit another person ever...regardless of the situation. Even when someone is out of line, I choose to walk away. Hitting someone solves absolutely nothing. Ever. IMHO, if anything, it serves to increase the mounting tension of a situation.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Sometimes to get your point across that you are serious and you do NOT want to be touched you need some force.

It's not worth it, because I believe that person can technically claim assault.

A look is usually all it takes or the threat of bringing a bouncer over. I generally find my friends are respectful enough to take "No" for an answer and that strangers are the problem.


Well-known member
I don't like that some people think women can't do as much harm so it's not as bad if they hit. Come on girls we want to be treated equally!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It would be harder for me to cause a lot of damage to a guy, because I'm under 100 lbs and not that strong. It still isn't right, though. It's not even just the physical damage you can cause; there's the psychological element that I think is much worse.

Women thinking it's okay to hit men makes it a lot harder for men to get out of abusive relationships. Yes, there are relationships where women do physically hit their men. I don't know how common they are, since I think most men are afraid to report it or don't get taken as seriously.

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