Hit me and I'll hit you back?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
It's not worth it, because I believe that person can technically claim assault.

A look is usually all it takes or the threat of bringing a bouncer over. I generally find my friends are respectful enough to take "No" for an answer and that strangers are the problem.

Well that's what I mean. What if you don't have a bouncer?

What if your in a dark alley and some guy comes up to you and is like "OMG! ~touchtouchgrabfeel~" And you're saying "NO!" but no one is around?

Are you going to let him rape you? Or kick him in the nuts and punch him in the face?

I mean, I think I might be getting off subject here, but all in all, in a relationship I don't believe either party should be hitting or physical in any way, unless like play wrestling or something like that. But when you are alone, and you're only defenses are your fists against a man coming at you, no offence, but I would go with the casteration of the nuts and slamming of the face. But then again, self defense is different than just randomly hitting because you're mad. I wouldn't think a girl who ran up to my friend and hit him just because she was mad is right. But I sure as hell would be like "Heck yeah!" if he ran up to her and was grabbing her ass all night, and her saying "No!" wasn't doing anything. And no one else would say anything?

I don't know... maybe it's just me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Well that's what I mean. What if you don't have a bouncer?

What if your in a dark alley and some guy comes up to you and is like "OMG! ~touchtouchgrabfeel~" And you're saying "NO!" but no one is around?

Are you going to let him rape you? Or kick him in the nuts and punch him in the face?

Apples and oranges...There's a MOUNTAIN of difference between being assaulted in a "dark alley" and being in a club, at a party, etc. where there are literally dozens of people there to step in without resorting to hitting.

But then again, self defense is different than just randomly hitting because you're mad. I wouldn't think a girl who ran up to my friend and hit him just because she was mad is right. But I sure as hell would be like "Heck yeah!" if he ran up to her and was grabbing her ass all night, and her saying "No!" wasn't doing anything. And no one else would say anything?

I don't know... maybe it's just me

Self-defense IS what you're talking about here. And if you were at a party and your friend was being assaulted, two things could've/should've happened. If it REALLY pissed her off, could've found the host of the party and asked them to have the touchy feely guy leave...The second option would've been to have left the party. No hitting necessary.


Well-known member
One of the reason I dumped my ex is because of his anger management problem and his temper. While he never acted out on me specifically, I have seen how he treated his neighbor whom made him mad. That alone is a warning sign that I can not continue dating such person.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
What if your in a dark alley and some guy comes up to you and is like "OMG! ~touchtouchgrabfeel~" And you're saying "NO!" but no one is around?

Are you going to let him rape you? Or kick him in the nuts and punch him in the face?

First of all, you don't "let someone rape you." Rape happens because someone force him/herself on you. People who say things like that make it a lot harder for people to admit they were raped, because some people think that not fighting back means you wanted it or asked for it. There are a lot of legitimate reasons why people don't physically fight back even though they say "no."

Secondly, it's a completely different situation. Someone disrespecting you at a party, there are other means to deal with it, as listed before. Get the host to kick him out, leave yourself, get his friends to make him leave the party with them.


I like the topics you bring up babe...

i think when you hit ur male partner, even though it doesnt physically hurt him, it starts that bad cycle where it might eventually seem okay to hit each other, u know? and it will only lead to tears and resentment.
better to not to hit at all if the intentions are to hurt them.


Well-known member
I don't think anybody should be laying their hands on each other period. It doesn't matter if its a woman or man hitting. It is still abuse. It would destroy a relationship.

I have witnessed what it is like to be on the end of an abusive relationship and it is horrible. I would never consider laying my hands on my husband. He is alot bigger and stronger than me and I couldn't hurt him but still... it isn't good behaviour.