Holiday Stuff is Up on the MAC Site!!


Well-known member
I just picked up my brush set that I pre-ordered. The question is, which brush do I use for what? LOL I see the foundation brush, one looks like a concealer brush, not sure about the others.


Well-known member
how come the keepsake isn't up yet?
(the one with a blush, a mini piggie, eyeliner and lipgloss)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Weasel
how come the keepsake isn't up yet?
(the one with a blush, a mini piggie, eyeliner and lipgloss)

It's a Nordstrom's exclusive. It's up on the Nordstrom site.


Well-known member
I just got my Heirloom's face brush set today @ my MAC store!!!!!!!

I actually LOVE the bag! I think it's so hot, especially since the face brush set is gold! L O V E the gold!


ah! so happy, just ordered the face brush set, plus christmas gift wrap, its a silver and gold box, antique style, pillow shaped, i'll probably save the gift wrap for my sis, she loves mac almost as much as me! hehe. can't wait to say goodbye to my ghetto old face brushes!!

p.s.! OH MY GOSH! I LOVE THE KEEPSAKES! if it werent for you guys i'd know nothing of it! this would make a very special (thanksgiving) present from my boyfriend hehehehe. lets save those mega presents for xmas!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bronxcutie
I just picked up my brush set that I pre-ordered. The question is, which brush do I use for what? LOL I see the foundation brush, one looks like a concealer brush, not sure about the others.

got this off the mac site.
168 - For expert application of cheek contour.
187 - A large full circular brush used for lightweight application and blending of face powder or pigments. Use to create soft layers or add textures. You can also use this for applying liquid foundation for a flawless look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KeshieShimmer
The Finery stuff and all the little mini sets don't come out until Nov. 15 I think.

it will come out on the 15th.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Marmaladecat
I'm glad it's not just me. I think the bags are rather hideous too! I'm wondering if they're cheaper to manufacture than the beautiful ones from last year.

In all reality, I guess they are OK. I guess I just thought that with one of the inspirations for this collection being Marie Antoinette, I just think they could have done something a bit more...well, dazzling. There was so much ornamentation, beautiful fabrics and a focus on the aesthetics during that period. I guess I just expected a bit more.


Originally Posted by jilliandanica
the new holiday stuff is awesome, but i'd love to get my hands on the brooches and necklaces the MA's have been wearing

I second that!

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